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Off Topic Playground

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Congratulations on the promotion :)


Guild Ball? Is that that fantasy sports game that plays on either an octagon or a hexagon? It looks decent, but I've got Dreadball and the Blood Bowl Team Manager game to fill that niche.


By the way, if you speak French, there are rules for Alkemy Blitz available. From what I can figure out, it's played on a 2 foot square table with ~180 points of minis per side, I think. Looks like a fun, fast variant.

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Cheers guys :-)

Guild Ball is played on a tabletop, and uses damage trees like Arena Rex. Will be up on ks shortly. Will probably give it a pass because I'm saving up ATM, but I do fancy the Fishermen's Guild.

Will need to check that out, with Google Translate at the ready ;-)

Starting to lose track of how many games I'm involved with now :-P

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I like being able to change the name. I've belonged to boards that had name-changing memes that were often pretty funny- once four guys changed their names in such a way that if you put them in the right order, it was a couplet from a classic mid-90s gangsta rap song :lol:


How many games...let's recap again:

  • Malifaux
  • Kings of War
  • Dreadball
  • Alkemy
  • Song of Blades and Heroes (technically just a rulebook, but I actually play it- the book's not a shelf-warmer)
  • Mighty Armies/Hordes of the Things (aka "stuff I can play with 15mm fantasy figures)
  • Wild West Exodus (models are mostly assembled, have not played yet)
  • Arena Rex (hasn't arrived but it's going to be great- if nothing else, the minis are gorgeous)
  • Wrath of Kings (it'll be a while before I get this stuff)
  • Bushido* (have it, figures assembled, haven't played it yet. Wish I had a workshop so I could build a 2x2 table for it)

Then there are the rulebooks of games I hope to try (like Endless- Fantasy Tactics) and games I'll probably never get to play (Confrontation 3rd Edition). Been wanting to try Anima Tactics and Dropzone Commander, even if it's just to say "yep, tried them, <opinion here>." I'd probably go Shaltari or PHR for Dropzone- not sure I like the laying-down piloting thing of the UMC vehicles and the Scourge...I can only paint so many revolting things before I just want to quit.

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Have to say, Company Sergeant Major 1 is one of my favourite miniatures. But Relics is a bit like Eden, nice models, but the game and player base needs more development.

I only have the Capitol Starter, and my local players have yet to receive their stuff. I'm on the fence with most of the range, same reason I haven't started Warmahordes.

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Scourge forever!

The doors there, take your Reaper and go :-P

PHR also happen to stand for Panda Human Racers. My bets are on Ming Ming and his human, Danny Dyer.

My number one obstacle ATM is trying to figure out a color scheme for my PHR (not that PHR). I'm either going to do my table as overgrown post-apoc cityscape or ice world. Also, despite the aesthetic of phr being really elegant, I keep wanting to make them all grimy, like they belong in BSG.

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