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Yeah, you can get sociable cats, but even they stay well clear...I guess I give off a vibe!

I heard Lemongrass is good, and Lion poo. But unfortunately we don't have many Lions in North wales....

And dogs..yeah, little yappy ones can be irritating (though i do like Jack russells, cheeky little buggers). I used to have two Border collies (sheepdogs) that were great....loyal, playful, obedient and so happy!!

Didn't like sheep though! :)

Are you sure?


I like cats and they like, most of the time :help:

and I don't small dog's, they are a bit too yippy

and big dog's cause the're big and scary

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Enjoy lunch AB!

I like big dogs because well.. I'm big and can handle them. A friend of mine had an amazing Doverman who I used to play with all the time. I would literally tackle him and wrestle with that dog XD

Grey Hounds are great dogs to, though they have to have a place to run around... very energetic for such a large dog. LGS used to have a rescue one who hung around the store all the time, extremely nice dog.. never once bit a customer, even little kids who didn't understand that pulling a dogs tail hard is not a good idea >.>

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@Karn: Get a College Cut (your barber will know what it is: short on the sides, slightly longer on the top)

@Abs: Put mothballs in the ground around the plants. It wont hurt the plants, and cats hate the smell

I love cats... but I only really love sociable cats. When I picked up my lovely (Sambuca) I walked by all the cages at the humane society and called to the cats. She was one of two who responded to being called. She came when you called her, she wouldn't sit where you put her, but she'd sit on you while you were watching a movie or playing video games (or painting). She was pretty cool.

If a cat is an a-hole, I tend to ignore it.

I like dogs too... I think that the attitude of dogs is like the attitude of children: if you expect them to behave and be quiet, they will comply. Therefore I don't mind little dogs. :)

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@Fell: Interesting.... I'll give it some though. Generally I just have him shorten it all up and what not, I tend to go pretty short every 2 or 3 months and let it grow back out a bit before getting it cut again.

Hmm maybe I should just Buzz my head again XD

Thats a good way to pick a cat, if I was ever to get one I'd have to do the same thing.

The new Puppy loves to sit with you as long as he isn't in a mood to play. For some reason he likes to climb right up into my chair next to me and watch me paint. That and he likes to climb on my shoulders... I think I have a part mountain goat part dog thing... cute though =)

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@Abs: Put mothballs in the ground around the plants. It wont hurt the plants, and cats hate the smell

If a cat is an a-hole, I tend to ignore it.

I like dogs too... I think that the attitude of dogs is like the attitude of children: if you expect them to behave and be quiet, they will comply. Therefore I don't mind little dogs. :)

What about the birds with moth balls? we have lots of birds that graze!

And all the local cats must be a-holes then! Your cat sounded cool....might have got on with her!

The new Puppy loves to sit with you as long as he isn't in a mood to play. For some reason he likes to climb right up into my chair next to me and watch me paint. That and he likes to climb on my shoulders... I think I have a part mountain goat part dog thing... cute though =)

What breed is it? Or is it a mix? Sometimes mixes are the best, as long as you get the BEST bits of every breed! ;)

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Abs: If you want birds, I would suggest birdfeeders up off the ground. Keeps the birds safe from the cats and away from the mothballs. Not sure about birds and mothballs... but if you were to burry them (which is what you're supposed to do) the birds shouldn't be affected... I don't think.... I'm sure a Google search would tell you :D

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What about the birds with moth balls? we have lots of birds that graze!

And all the local cats must be a-holes then! Your cat sounded cool....might have got on with her!

What breed is it? Or is it a mix? Sometimes mixes are the best, as long as you get the BEST bits of every breed! ;)

It's a Mutt through and through, Spaniel, Setter, Pointer, and like 6 others. Its White and Black like a Spaniel but not built like one... quick little bugger to and incredibly flexible.... nick-named him Origami Dog because he folds himself in half often :)

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Abs: If you want birds, I would suggest birdfeeders up off the ground. Keeps the birds safe from the cats and away from the mothballs. Not sure about birds and mothballs... but if you were to burry them (which is what you're supposed to do) the birds shouldn't be affected... I don't think.... I'm sure a Google search would tell you :D

yeah we have got feeders but we just have a lot of blackbirds that don't like to land on these. they like to dig up worms etc, so always spend time on the ground.

We now do put feed out on our backyard wall and they do run along that to get some! And they bang on the window with their beaks if theres none there!

will look into mothballs...

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It's a Mutt through and through, Spaniel, Setter, Pointer, and like 6 others. Its White and Black like a Spaniel but not built like one... quick little bugger to and incredibly flexible.... nick-named him Origami Dog because he folds himself in half often :)

hmm you are in for a handful then! Playful spaniels, plus a mix of hunting dogs....I hope you like good long walks!

Our collies were constantly on the go....we used to walk them four times a day up in the fields at the back of our house....unless there were sheep in them!

Any pics of origami dog?

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@Sketch: *cackles* Close =D

@AB: No not yet. Don't have a camera and webcam's is well attached to the computer and hard to get the dog to sit still for them. But looking into getting a Camera soon any way, so hopefully once I get the Camera. But he literally folds himself in half, head next to his Butt and will stare at you. He does it a lot when he is playing do, half upside down twisted in some strange way... crazy dog..

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@Sketch: *cackles* Close =D

@AB: No not yet. Don't have a camera and webcam's is well attached to the computer and hard to get the dog to sit still for them. But looking into getting a Camera soon any way, so hopefully once I get the Camera. But he literally folds himself in half, head next to his Butt and will stare at you. He does it a lot when he is playing do, half upside down twisted in some strange way... crazy dog..

Sounds like a fun dog.

Where has everyone else gone now?

#looks around. sees only a shoulder Neph, not on a shoulder#


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Sounds like a fun dog.

Where has everyone else gone now?

#looks around. sees only a shoulder Neph, not on a shoulder#


*Refuses to look down and invoke the laws of Cartoon Physics*

Not sure... probably just busy day for everyone.

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I'm actually looking for a hole... I want my character to be... related to the/a royal family, to give her some weight... maybe... six steps from the throne in the line of succession... but the family trees are so tangled (as is typical in a medieval setting) that I need to do some research to find a spot for her family. At first I was just going to make a whole other sibling (not in the books) who wasn't interested in court or being king, but was close enough to taste it... To make my female chracter more... desirable? *nods* it's as bad as trying to map out the British royals :)

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I'm actually looking for a hole... I want my character to be... related to the/a royal family, to give her some weight... maybe... six steps from the throne in the line of succession... but the family trees are so tangled (as is typical in a medieval setting) that I need to do some research to find a spot for her family. At first I was just going to make a whole other sibling (not in the books) who wasn't interested in court or being king, but was close enough to taste it... To make my female chracter more... desirable? *nods* it's as bad as trying to map out the British royals :)

Sounds fun and convoluted at the same time =D

Personally I just love the level of detail your trying to put into the character and I'm not even running the game heh. But thats the kind of leg work that can really make some characters memorable.

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