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Off Topic Playground

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Well, we've decided that the group noun for the thread is officially a romp of OTTers. Still waiting to hear on the shipping info for my black friday sale, but I'm in no rush...no time to work on stuff for another week.

Oh, and Monkey has decided that the appropriate trophy for a dwarf kill is a pile of goo, instead of a beard or scalp.

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How do all! No much painting to report on lately, just a few things here and there. I have the Flu so not feeling to productive right now, just feeling to "bleh". However I have painted a few EM-4 Gangers, a Perfidious Relic for my Dark Angels and started plotting out my Malifaux church/cathedral ruins to get underway with once I am better. Heck, at least I finally finished painting my Viks crew some 3 months after I started it, heh.

LotR Battle Game? WOW! Not played that for years now. I gave up on it when GW did the same as they always do in trying to push sales down our throats with War of the Ring (which had a terrible rules system, they should have borrowed Warmaster... oh wait, they couldn't, the owner of that game was forced to leave the company...) by saying we now needed 100s of models to play. Yeah, so I already had 400 Uruk-Hai from ebay off people that bought the Battles For Middle Earth magazine and resold some minis (which I eagerly snatched up when it as Uruk Hai), but it was the principle of that they had turned a skirmish game in to a battle game. I do like the new Elf rangers for The Hobboit game though, even if the price is ridiculous. Also, £15 for a single 25mm plastic mini? they are halfing a laugh... right?!

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Not been on here much since I got my new job. Haven't had much interest in gaming. I don't know why. I'm kind of jaded with 40k (cheesiest army = win), there's not many malifaux players that aren't hardcore tournament types and I'm struggling with time. I don't know what to do!

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