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I couldn't get much this time around...

Managed to just break the $100 but it's the wrong time of year to get more and since the store I was henching at closed down I haven't had any credits...

I wanted to Mini book but had to drop it out so I'm getting a Puppet Hound, Marcus box, foil deck and the Nephilim box

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We're heading over to my uncle's for thanksgiving today. Probably for far longer than I'll really be able to handle, so I'm betting I'm going to be getting home exhausted tonight. (sigh) Oh well. I'll live. Hoping to get started on the Mei Feng repaint this weekend, and finish up the Wendigo, so I'll have two demo crews ready to go before the far too many new ones show up in a couple weeks.

---------- Post added at 06:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 AM ----------

I couldn't get much this time around...

Managed to just break the $100 but it's the wrong time of year to get more and since the store I was henching at closed down I haven't had any credits...

I wanted to Mini book but had to drop it out so I'm getting a Puppet Hound, Marcus box, foil deck and the Nephilim box

By the time I even remembered that I could use credit it was far too late to do anything about it, so I'm holding onto it for a while longer yet, lol.

Puppet Hound? looking to round out your puppet Lady J crew?

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We're heading over to my uncle's for thanksgiving today. Probably for far longer than I'll really be able to handle, so I'm betting I'm going to be getting home exhausted tonight. (sigh) Oh well. I'll live. Hoping to get started on the Mei Feng repaint this weekend, and finish up the Wendigo, so I'll have two demo crews ready to go before the far too many new ones show up in a couple weeks.

---------- Post added at 06:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 AM ----------

By the time I even remembered that I could use credit it was far too late to do anything about it, so I'm holding onto it for a while longer yet, lol.

Puppet Hound? looking to round out your puppet Lady J crew?

Yeah so I have 3 of them... I'm going to have the whole bally lot of them up on my site tomorrow in roughly 11 hours if what I have programed is remembered correctly... at least I'll put it in A Wyrd Place

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Afternoon all!

I have returned for a 2nd day on the row after a long stint of painting last night which left me with completed minis of Colette's avatar (hopefully I'll get some pics soon). However, in the meantime here is a pic as a promised (threatened?) of me on Hallowe'en this year, I did tell people to be afraid...


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Sounds like a good idea, I'd like to attend something like that myself mate. Heck, I may just arrange something like that for my regular gaming group. This year I hosted a 40k Zombie Survival game for a few people as a little bit of fun, but next year Malifaux might be worth a go. Heck knows I have enough stuff to do it with, might set it in a ruined cathedral or something since I have just ordered the foamcard to make a modular one to go with my graveyard terrain set.

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