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I did when I had my GW and cheap brushes, but this Raphael has been treated much better and been much easier to work with.

Don't get me wrong I take care of them, but they get so much intensive use at times. I had a GW one I got at the same time (you know for 3x the price) and it lasted about 3 weeks.

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Yeah. It was simple up until I started hollowing out the base. That was a bad plan...

Also, why do I consistently have the problem of bases are smaller than I think they are? My whole little idea for this 40mm base is now starting to seem like it wouldn't work on a 60mm one. Bah.

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Yeah, next time I'm buying the ones Secret Weapon Miniatures makes that are already hollowed out.

As an aside, what kind of glue do you use for basing material? Like, a specific brand. People keep saying white pva glue, so I buy Elmer's, but it's pretty miserable at it, so I'm either using it wrong or buying the wrong stuff

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