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*starts dictating to Karn*

a dozen shriken, 3" in diameter

two long flat blades, 6" long

a packet of white powder with a mosture strip

a package of C4

three syringes filled with a milky white liquid

a vial containing a viscous red liquid

four throwing knives, 4" long

A bat-a-rang *sticks that in her bag*

two dozen cherry bombs

six books of matches

Sketch... Where on earth were you keeping this drum of gasoline... wait... I don't want to know

*takes out a pen and paper and starts to dutifully take the notes*

And that was only his left front pocket.....

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ABS!!!!! *swooshes in on her new bat-a-rang and hugs Abs*

(how's the offspring?)

Well, Mother and baby are fine, but there is complications that I won't go into on here. Ultimately she will need a c-section and has been signed off work from now until the delivery (5 weeks). AND she has to have an adult with her 24hrs who can drive a vehicle should the worst happen......

But this we can deal with. At worst she just admits herself into hospital from now until the birth....

Thanks for the hug...needed it!

Oh and batarang...is that guild issue? ;)

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Well, Mother and baby are fine, but there is complications that I won't go into on here. Ultimately she will need a c-section and has been signed off work from now until the delivery (5 weeks). AND she has to have an adult with her 24hrs who can drive a vehicle should the worst happen......

But this we can deal with. At worst she just admits herself into hospital from now until the birth....

Thanks for the hug...needed it!

Oh and batarang...is that guild issue? ;)

Good to hear they are fine at least. I'm sure everything will turn out good in the end, but still best of luck with it all man and hope things go the best they can.

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Lol! Probably.

Just remember the fishnets incident......;)

Yeah I remember XD

Any way... have a good long weekend? Anything fun or interesting to report?

I played way to many games of Malifaux with Pandora... I felt dirty and mean afterward but yet some how... satisfied ...

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Yeah I remember XD

Any way... have a good long weekend? Anything fun or interesting to report?

I played way to many games of Malifaux with Pandora... I felt dirty and mean afterward but yet some how... satisfied ...

Dirty Neph! Go and wash yourself down in the waters of forgiveness....

I spent most of it studying, though we did manage to get a baby car seat...and fit it!

Then I had to take it out again as it would probably get nicked! Just hope I can remember how to do it when the time comes....

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Dirty Neph! Go and wash yourself down in the waters of forgiveness....

I spent most of it studying, though we did manage to get a baby car seat...and fit it!

Then I had to take it out again as it would probably get nicked! Just hope I can remember how to do it when the time comes....

lol! Well best of luck to you with that. Just once a week practice it! Drill it into your head so you will be able to do it with your eyes closed.

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lol! Well best of luck to you with that. Just once a week practice it! Drill it into your head so you will be able to do it with your eyes closed.

I'm sure I'll be fine. So where is that Lady of the guild? She swooshes in, hugs and then swooshes out.....

Far too much swooshing for one person.....

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Instrumentation that should have been replace years ago is being cranky. My sunburn (and possibly hangover) is making me cranky. My mother-in-law is making my wife cranky, thus me... you get the picture.

yup, picture coming through in HD! So, where is Madison, WI (I don't know all the states abbreviations), and how much sun does it get?

I thought everywhere was still cold and dank over there...well, apart from Florida, california and possibly Texas!!

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