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Finally fixed the charger on my mac thanks to some hot glue, solder and electrical tape. And in the meanwhile my friend from California (SOOOOO trying to get him into the 'faux since there's a big cali following IIRC) has been bascially performing virtual surgery on my pc. my quad core 3.5 was running at ~850mhz, my Ram was in the wrong slots and under volted and it was trying to index the hard drive every minute.

Now with all that fixed and all 4 cores and 8 gigs of ram and 2gig graphics card running smoothy we are going to play...

unreal tournament 2004 since he's only got his laptop with him!
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Finally fixed the charger on my mac thanks to some hot glue, solder and electrical tape. And in the meanwhile my friend from California (SOOOOO trying to get him into the 'faux since there's a big cali following IIRC) has been bascially performing virtual surgery on my pc. my quad core 3.5 was running at ~850mhz, my Ram was in the wrong slots and under volted and it was trying to index the hard drive every minute.

Now with all that fixed and all 4 cores and 8 gigs of ram and 2gig graphics card running smoothy we are going to play...

unreal tournament 2004 since he's only got his laptop with him!

I used to play UT competitively over here... I miss those pre kids days!

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Yeah. We played star trek attack wing. My wife has an aversion to anything with dice and tactics. (but is really compeditive) She was enterprise, my friend was a romulan and I was the klingons. I just hid and then sniped my friend and photon torpedoed my wife. She was not amused. I don't think she'll be giving malifaux a try any time soon *sniff*

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I'm finally starting to put my website together. Looks like crap right now but at least most of the links I wanted to have are in one place. Then I can slowly start transferring content from my Mantic blog to my site.

The plan is to have reviews, tactics, and the occasional rant (I promise to keep the anti-GW stuff to a single "this is why I left GW" post- I will only take potshots at them if they do any new stupid things).

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