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Still in work. Wanted to finish early today, but delicate lab politics and a very slow experiment are keeping me here...

How's life back home?

As good as it can be... I really dispair for this little Island sometimes... me and the Fiancee are always discussing the option of moving to Germany (where shes from).. my lack of German speak outside of ordering food and beers is poor at best... trying to motivate myself to learn but when it comes to my days off its hard to bring the learning monster out to play! :)

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Hey again! home fromwork.... downloaded the beta files for hamelin and the freikorps fellows I was missing. I'm excited to try them out on saturday!

Why do you despair for the isles, Regnak? Only thing I ever hear about over here is government shutdown this, government shutdown that... We're a little self absorbed here in the states...

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Heh, well I moved waaaay out to canada, and want to come home. I do hear germany is a good place to be though.

Learning? Good lord, man, you'll burn out bits of your brain! Trust me, I'm a science type person thing. *wink*

Yeah, before the Lady moved here I was flying out every month to Germany for 4 years... love the country... love the people. :)

And yeah.. Learning... after I get through a nightshift I just want to relax and work on mini's... its hard to switch that out for books! :) Well... I got the new Malifaux one... thats a book?!

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Hey again! home fromwork.... downloaded the beta files for hamelin and the freikorps fellows I was missing. I'm excited to try them out on saturday!

Why do you despair for the isles, Regnak? Only thing I ever hear about over here is government shutdown this, government shutdown that... We're a little self absorbed here in the states...

Just.... EVERYTHING! :) Goverment... people... pay... cost of living... just had enough to be honest... really missing Germany also..

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I have it on good authority that the malifaux fluff and rulebook counts as high literature.


:) I bet you also wear glasses thus fitting the stereotype? :)

---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

Keep in mind, my green friend, that the grass is always greener on the other side...

...wow. Didn't mean for that many puns in one sentence, but I like it, lol.

:) <3

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Hooray I can finally talk about my plans for a Molly crew now that the beta files are out!

Sea of Sorrow! Going to be basing Molly, drowned and 2 hanged I converted into drowned on underwater bases. little kelp trees and anchors and such. Throw in a Jakuuna and then something like Killjoy maybe? Or philip, but I have no idea how to do an underwater pram

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