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My original degree was biochemistry, but these days I'm a bionanotechnologist of sorts. Mostly stuff like the integration of medical devices with the body, biocompatibility, biomimicry and that kind of thing.

Though I do have a tendency to dabble and tinker when noone's watching *grin*

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Ok to ME that sounds amazing. But, if someone told me I'd be reading and comparing journal articles as the majority of my future I think I'd just pack it in now hahaha.

And biochem was the baaaane of my existance. Only made easier by the fact that I had a new zealander lecturer who loved over exaggerating his accent and saying things like 'the Cat-ions are puss-ative'.

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It's definitely got its moments, and if I can get my own funding I'll be a happy little scientificist. Just annoying for all the bureaucracy at times.

The closest it gets to comparing articles is writing Reviews, and you can be very sneakily bitchy in those *grin*

Heh, sounds like fun lectures, even if it's a bit of a mare to learn...

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Thanks Bow!! I'm a tad sad it's not the whole picture because I'm wearing a Comic print Marvel tie a friends mum made me and it's gorgeous!!

---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 AM ----------

Well I have just remembered I need to be up in 4 hours to put my car in at a repair shop so night all! *grin*

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IKEA assembled!
You managed to put an entire store together? Pretty impressive, but did you have any pieces left over?

Luss, I got my start doing what you do now. I then became a lower level systems administrator, but my current job is a glorified version of what you do. I just get to play with the servers and such more (but not a lot more).

Nothing wrong with your picture, either. I, on the other hand, always look either incredibly goofy or very angry in photos. I cannot smile for the camera unless it's a cartoonish grin.

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