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Macca's is Mcdonalds? All is clear now! There's a place in KC I'll have to get the name for you. If you're ever in the area you have to try their ribs. It's a little restaurant in a gas station, you'd never even notice it if it weren't for the line out the door for their absolutely amazing food. Believe me, it's worth the wait!

I knew I was forgetting one yesterday- Memphis, Texas, Carolina, California, and Kansas City styles are the ones I have heard of. The only ones I haven't had yet are KC and Cali-style. Apparently there's a Kentucky style, too, but I hadn't heard of it prior to Wikipedia.

Thing is, most parts of the world have some sort of delicious, slow-roasted, smoky meat they specialize in. There's a Mexican market in one part of town that I have driven past many times- they smoke whole chickens and the smell is always amazing.

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Yay! Toronto!!

Actually I get asked a lot if I used to live in Canada or if my parents are Canadian's...apparently my accent sounds...a tad not-australian and people assume Canadian for some reason? Hahaha, I'd be interested to see if I could role around Canada and people would assume I was a local :D

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Oooh I want to see your old raspy!!

I'm currently shopping for a 28mm head (my friends and I are ..er...building 'ourselves' in miniature form for lieutenants in Infinity) and I'm struggling to find a head that small with the right hair. Is there any other companies that do miniatures as little as Infinity that I can check out?

Checked Anima Tactics minis out? Lots of crazy stuff in those.

Ronin is a Samuri wargame in the style of Seven Samuri and In Her Majesty's Name is a Steampunk based Victorian SciFi game

Both from Osprey and only about 60 pages each...

I'm interested in Ronin, sort of interested in IHMN (Malifaux minis could do double-duty- at least the human ones), waiting for Of Gods and Mortals too. After getting a used copy of Dux Bellorum I'm liking the way Osprey does their rulebooks- completely self-contained and focused on fun and (when applicable) history.

Did magic item cards for Kings of War last night and included the new ones. Sadly, I can't put them out for everyone since most of them are not rules that are free to the public. I'm still baffled why I was thanked in the intro of that section yet my magic item idea was not used as far as I could tell (the folks whose ideas were used had their usernames, or variants thereof, in the magic item titles).

Bleah, having one of those days where everything in my life just seems...wrong. Quantum Leap, The Matrix, the episode of the old GI Joe cartoon where Shipwreck is the only human in a town of synthoids...take your pick.

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Heh. I could list a few things that are actual torontan habits, and not ones they like to tell everyone are their defining bonuses. But I'm just not that rude *wink*

Also, after they stole the worlds food, they did half assed imitations of a lot of it, then doubled the prices. If you're coming here for a food tour, best win the lottery first!

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