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Oh really? I guess it depends on what you like really. But I love pretty much all scifi TV shows, so I'm very ... er... giving when it comes to special effects and cheesy story lines.

It's about 4400 people over the past like 100 years have been slowly one at a time abducted so no one really thought anything of it, and then they're suddenly dumped back on earth by who knows what and each has a special 'power'.

So there's a big overall story arch, but the episodes themselves usually focus on a specific 'returnee' and their powers. I love it *grin*.

Be for warned - although it goes for 4 seasons, it ends pretty abruptly due to the show being canned. Like all good shows.

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That does tend to be how it goes. Oh we have a good tv show? Well, we also have this crap reality tv show that is an exact clone of like 10 other reality shows. I think we'll can the good one put the clone show up.

Oh I know. Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for trash tv cooking contest shows - but in that being said I always sit there thinking, THIS? THIS GOT FUNDING AND <X> DIDN'T!?

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Lol cute poem lussuria

Not a poem, but an epic song:

I watched the movie 'Seeking a Friend for the end of the World' was a pretty good movie really but got pretty sad at the end.

I am now asking for recommendations for movies as I never know what to get when I go to get one *grin*

What genre of movie was that, Mr Monkey?

And to recommend a movie, I'd have to know what you like! *grin*

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Mako.. There might be something to that theory of yours. Is there any sort of Science! testing we can do in search of supportive evidence?

Oh, I'm sure I could think of ways. Though if you want legal, morally acceptable tests that will take a bit more thinking.

Speculative disassembly is much easier... *wink*

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