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I have... three twitter accounts... mostly 'cause I forget the password and don't feel like resetting it...

A couple summers ago I followed the rebellion in Iran - when they elected person A, but somehow person B got the job... I was more up to date on the situation than most news stations....

And I'm following people like Christopher Moore and Nathan Fillion... who occasionally get on and say funny stuff... But I created a twitter to go with this (for Malifaux only) and I haven't been on more than once....

I do have a facebook, and have since the fall of 2003.... 'cause I'm cool like that :) I actually don't use it even nearly as much as I used to. My iPod has an app for it, but it's not like getting on a computer and checking my facebook... Plus, the only computer I spend much time at is the work one... and there's no social networking sites at school... I can't even get on to Photobucket from this comp... *rolls eyes*

*rolls dice, looks around for Sketch*

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back sooner than I thought. GOD I love easy questions :D

Those are the best kind =D

*Hides the burlap sack and juicer*


... I wasn't going to make the student into a smoothie when you were done....

*shifty eyes*

@AB: Enjoy lunch!

@Fell: Huzzah no facebook addiction!

I used to use it a lot when it was only for College students before it blew up into the monster that it is now. But yeah, I barely check it any more and I tell everyone to just email or call me if you need me as I won't be paying attention to facebook =D

@Fell's Twitter: See thats the great use for Twitter! Thats what I love about it. I just can't stand the people who tweet every freaking thing they do 24x7! O.o

Edited by karn987
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Okay, sometimes students print from a different room and it comes out of my printer. I don't mind (seeing as I have the only accessible printer in this part of the building). But I love it when (for the last 2-3 mornings) this kid comes in and says "Can I pick up my print?" Today I finally said, "No, you can print it but you can't have it." I was grinning, so he didn't take me seriously. It makes me laugh :D

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@Fell: Huzzah no facebook addiction!

I used to use it a lot when it was only for College students before it blew up into the monster that it is now. But yeah, I barely check it any more and I tell everyone to just email or call me if you need me as I won't be paying attention to facebook =D

@Fell's Twitter: See thats the great use for Twitter! Thats what I love about it. I just can't stand the people who tweet every freaking thing they do 24x7! O.o

I was addicted.. until I got my iPod... but it was a minor addiction... I liked to check it a couple times a day, but if I didn't get to it *shrugs* Plus, I'm a no tech on <real> camping trips (If I have to pee in a hole, it's REAL camping... if there is a toilet that I have to walk to, it's sleeping in a tent). I actually don't like clocks or phones or even iPods when I'm camping out in the woods. So I have always been able to put it away...

People who tweet their lives HAVE no lives, and should have their computers cleaved in by angry orks...

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Okay, sometimes students print from a different room and it comes out of my printer. I don't mind (seeing as I have the only accessible printer in this part of the building). But I love it when (for the last 2-3 mornings) this kid comes in and says "Can I pick up my print?" Today I finally said, "No, you can print it but you can't have it." I was grinning, so he didn't take me seriously. It makes me laugh :D

*snickers* Evil Fell =D

Yeah its funny some times how odd curtousy can sound to the other person. Like at my LGS they have Glue and what not for anyone to use. So every now and then I make the mistake of saying "Can I borrow the Glue?" and of course the owner responds without missing a beat "I don't think I want it back when your done with it. You can have some glue, but borrowing it may be a bit tough"

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I was addicted.. until I got my iPod... but it was a minor addiction... I liked to check it a couple times a day, but if I didn't get to it *shrugs* Plus, I'm a no tech on <real> camping trips (If I have to pee in a hole, it's REAL camping... if there is a toilet that I have to walk to, it's sleeping in a tent). I actually don't like clocks or phones or even iPods when I'm camping out in the woods. So I have always been able to put it away...

People who tweet their lives HAVE no lives, and should have their computers cleaved in by angry orks...

They should make a T-Shirt out of that last line Fell XD

I guess it's like anything else, you get used to doing it every day and if your not careful it can become an obsession... sorta like checking these forums >.>

See I can't be without a Watch... it drives me NUTS! I'm very much plan orientated and something about not knowing the time drives me crazy... if you ever want to drive me nuts that's how. Get rid of my watch and all clocks around me and watch how anxious I get XD. Otherwise I can leave all my gadgets behind without really any issue. Phone, labtop etc, meh. Watch? Don't touch it =D

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See I can't be without a Watch... it drives me NUTS! I'm very much plan orientated and something about not knowing the time drives me crazy... if you ever want to drive me nuts that's how.

Greatest camping trip ever:

We were up in Winn Maine. There were like... 30 of us out camping on some property owned by one of our grandparents. I left the phone in the car and lived like this:

It's light out, I'm not sleepy anymore, someone/thing is being noisy: time to get up

My belly is rumbling: I'm hungry

It's dark, I'm sleepy: nap/sleep time

It was FANTASTIC. We didn't plan anything. And i'm a planner... and a list maker... so you'd think I'd be out of my element... but it was fantastic.

Best part:

One of the kids (11yo boy) had a battery operated alarm clock and he was waving it around. I asked him not to show me the clock, because I didn't want to know the time. He started almost flashing the diodes at me, so I said "Zak T, If I see that clock, I'm going to shove it where the sun don't shine." He thought it was funny and continued to do it... until his mom was like, "Zak, she asked you not to show her the time. If you do so, even by accident, I will hold you down while she shoves that clock up your ass." He stopped :)

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Greatest camping trip ever:

We were up in Winn Maine. There were like... 30 of us out camping on some property owned by one of our grandparents. I left the phone in the car and lived like this:

It's light out, I'm not sleepy anymore, someone/thing is being noisy: time to get up

My belly is rumbling: I'm hungry

It's dark, I'm sleepy: nap/sleep time

It was FANTASTIC. We didn't plan anything. And i'm a planner... and a list maker... so you'd think I'd be out of my element... but it was fantastic.

Best part:

One of the kids (11yo boy) had a battery operated alarm clock and he was waving it around. I asked him not to show me the clock, because I didn't want to know the time. He started almost flashing the diodes at me, so I said "Zak T, If I see that clock, I'm going to shove it where the sun don't shine." He thought it was funny and continued to do it... until his mom was like, "Zak, she asked you not to show her the time. If you do so, even by accident, I will hold you down while she shoves that clock up your ass." He stopped :)


Now THAT is how you parent XD

Sounds like a cool trip =)

Yeah I plan and make lists and generally am very organized but something about Time just really gets to me if I don't know it. Maybe I'd get used to it after the first day but that first day would be an interesting one XD.

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*steps on a d4 to cover it up.. winces*

Uh oh Sketch is gonna be WIRED.... I have actually never played Shadowrun... but was interested in it. Seemed cool. Would also like to play a Whitewolf game... *whispers* all d10s though.... And I really like Cortex...

I've never played Shadowrun personally but it looked like a solid system.

Whitewolf is a lot of fun if you don't have a power-gamer in your group. If you do... and he starts min/maxing.. the system falls apart REALLY fast. Or at least the last version did, hopefully they closed the holes by now. But it was a ton of fun playing a Vampire and running around like that.

Actually my favorite Whitewolf game was Demon the Awakening. You had to basically harness fate/belief from humans to survive and it was a ton of fun. Especially because when you turn into your demon form, you can go into a Tortured (I think that was the name) form and reality just starts to break around you. We had a game once where i was secretly a Demon, the other players didn't even know about it OOC untill I revealed myself once in a fight. But it was a TON of fun XD

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I am playing in a Serenity game... and a Deadlands game... I love them both :D

@Karn: I used to be the same way. I was lost without a clock... and if I can't see a clock at work, I'm a wreck (I bought the first watch I could actually wear last year 'cause there are no clocks in the hallways and we can't really have our cell phones out). *shrugs* I got over waiting on every second of every day... Instead I try to enjoy them. :)

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I really want to play Changeling.. but we don't have anyone who will run it up here. We have several groups that LARP Vampire though... I wouldn't mind playing VtM... I want to play a Malkavian... :crazy:

@Abs: Cortex is a system that stands alone, but it also has several games that use it Including Buffy, Angel, and Serenity.

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I am playing in a Serenity game... and a Deadlands game... I love them both :D

@Karn: I used to be the same way. I was lost without a clock... and if I can't see a clock at work, I'm a wreck (I bought the first watch I could actually wear last year 'cause there are no clocks in the hallways and we can't really have our cell phones out). *shrugs* I got over waiting on every second of every day... Instead I try to enjoy them. :)

Fair enough. Glad it works for you =D I don't hang on every second... but I do sorta plan around every hour to some extent XD

Malkaviens are a lot of fun. I always like playing Tzeemich or the Magic based ones.... whatever they are called.

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