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How come you only want her, not the box Luss?

Not that I don't want the entire box, just couldn't warrent the money on the box when I wasn't AS in love with the other figs - buuuut, looks like I might be just getting the box in the end. Ah well. *grin* Good excuse to HAVE to buy the box now!

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Thanks so much everyone!!

Also just to have a small rant.

1. Why does there only appear to be 1 online miniatures seller in australia? It's killing me.


2. Why do they AND ALL OF EBAY have to never have the single Kaeris metal mini?

Life = Over

D: *horror*

Oh come on there is at least two, Defiant Gaming and Combat Company..... admittedly they are both sold out of single Kaeris'

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Oh come on there is at least two, Defiant Gaming and Combat Company.....

COMBAT COMPANY YOU SAY. Didn't eeeeven know this one existed. Ooooh, and they have an Epic Marcus for cheaps *rubs greedy hands together*

And Master Shine, I have a allergies to chocolate....so this leaves with with nothing D: .

Queue my own personal tiny violin music. *aww*

Edited by Lussuria
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Sucks about the chocolate though. Missing out on the best thing in life.

Honestly, people are only so gung ho about family and love because they havent had really really good chocolate

Hahaha. No longer will you see a Snickers add with 'rich creamy layers' or 'hand picked cocoa from the shores of an island no one else knows exists' it'll just be 'Chocolate is your new family. Eat Snickers.'

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COMBAT COMPANY YOU SAY. Didn't eeeeven know this one existed. Ooooh, and they have an Epic Marcus for cheaps *rubs greedy hands together*

And Master Shine, I have a allergies to chocolate....so this leaves with with nothing D: .

Queue my own personal tiny violin music. *aww*

You too?!? I sympathize and empathize. I'm also allergic to chocolate.

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