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I'm all right. My mother in law got through her surgery and is recovering in the hospital. They removed her tumor and had to take part of one of her lungs, but the tumor was not in her heart, which they were worried about.

Glad to hear that. My cantankerous grandmother had most of one lung removed in the 80s, I think, and she's been able to continue to be her usual self since, so I suspect your mother in law will be fine after a period of adjustment.

In less important news, I'm tempted by Wrath of Kings, but there's also this: http://www.miniaturemarket.com/pip74064.html

The Skorne Colossal for $30. It's a pretty cool looking model. As someone who doesn't play Warmahordes, I'm guessing that a) the Colossals are overall not super-popular (or, at least, only very specific ones are selling well), and B) this one in particular is not that good in-game. Am I right?

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