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...wow. Yeah, honestly, I've found few shows from my childhood that were genuinely worth watching. Batman the Animated Series, Teen Titans and Sonic the Hedgehog (Saturday morning one, not the Nickelodeon one) are about it that were cartoons.

I would watch Visionaries, Transformers, Tranzor-Z (Mazinger Z dub), Voltron, Robotech (Macekre or not), and Galaxy Rangers again for any occasion besides a drinking with 80s & early 90s cartoons night. B:TAS is one of the best hero cartoons ever, if not the best. Teen Titans is good, too.

Wrath of Kings is still a bit iffy for me. I haven't watched the videos yet, but if the Pelagarths are battle-crazed berserker-types who believe that sky-clad other than the mask is the way to go, why (or who would) ensure they have their panties on and pieces of tape strategically placed before they rush into battle? Why would the Big Sisters make sure to grab their battle-strength pastie glue and put pasties on first? If they don't care, they don't care.

I guess I should be thankful that almost all of the female fighter-types look like they could actually swing a sword. One step forward, two steps back?

...and to top it all off, I have no idea how much longer my job is going to last now, thanks to a job posting online. The only consolation is that most of my fellow contractors are in the same boat, so it's probably nothing personal.

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Yeah, they did kind of turn me off Nasier. Really like the Ashmen design though. Going to see if anyone I know backing this thing is getting them so I can maybe do a model for model trade. Really want to paint one of those things.

I also bought some of the sharkmen cause... well if I have to explain my reasoning you're beyond help. SHARKMEN.

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Nah, you don't have to explain Sharkmen. Do you own any of the Reaper ones? Hadross would easily fit into Deepwars, too.

If the GF and I do go in, we're going Goritsi (me) and Teknes (her). The Goritsi are as close to a Confrontation relaunch as we'll see for a while, and she likes the funky steampunk vibe of Teknes (I mean, come on, octopus with a water lung).

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