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Rapiers are light weight blade, can't why not

*Clings to the side of your head to avoid being knocked off*

Duck Chocobo!

*Earthquakes Chocobo out of the way*

Though I love the idea of Dual Wielding Rapiers =D

It is totally possible... just not if you want to use them correctly XD

They are light weight... but unfortunately they are very long and somewhat unwieldy (by this I mean: look at movies where they are using a rapier, often the unarmed hand is thrown up and used to aide balance). Most dual wielding was done with a rapier and a shorter blade that looked similard to the rapier but was at least half it's length. Many duelists also used a cape with the rapier, attempting to distract their opponents during a fight.... and it should be Dual wield.... My bad :)

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They are light weight... but unfortunately they are very long and somewhat unwieldy (by this I mean: look at movies where they are using a rapier, often the unarmed hand is thrown up and used to aide balance). Most dual wielding was done with a rapier and a shorter blade that looked similard to the rapier but was at least half it's length. Many duelists also used a cape with the rapier, attempting to distract their opponents during a fight.... and it should be Dual wield.... My bad :)

10 points for your fearless fem-fatal!

*Moves around so he is sitting on your shoulder next to your head and spreads his wings*

Well I'm no cape but I can certainly be distracting =D

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10 points for your fearless fem-fatal!

*Moves around so he is sitting on your shoulder next to your head and spreads his wings*

Well I'm no cape but I can certainly be distracting =D

you got that right, pesky Neph!

#swings rune sword around practicing fighting styles. #

I still prefer my pistols though.....but that wouldn't exactly be a fair fight!

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call yourself a fan of the English language! ;)

Story time:

When I was in Kindergarten and first grade I was taught "Magic spelling". The concept was "if it looks like it sounds, then it's right" (phonetics). Now keep in mind, please, that I was reading at a third, fourth, or fifth grade reading level at this point. But because I was taught phonetic spelling I couldn't spell. It was supposed to encourage me to write... it just screwed me over. When I was in second grade, my teacher said to my mother "I have never seen a child read at such a high level who spells at such a low level." My reading level was about fifth grade, my spelling level was first.

To this DAY I have trouble spelling, especially words that are uncommon. And I usually pop them in to the search bar up top and make sure I don't spell them wrong.. and look them up to be sure they are the right word. I'm actually wicked embarrassed about it... I will intentionally not use words if I can't figure out how to spell them... I'll write around them instead... But I'm better than I used to be. I look the word up and try to use it often so I remeber how to spell it when it matters. I have lots of tricks I've taught myself over the years to help me remember simple things (shoot rhymes with boot - two o's.. shot rhymes with got - one o, etc).

So when I spell things wrong I call myself on it :)

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whats up everyone ..

added up the amount of money i spend on coffee or tea in a month :doh: , and it is crazy . hence to say i can buy most of a malifaux faction every month if I wanted with it . I am buying a thermos today , and a bag of coffee for the coffee pot I have at work !

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Story time:

When I was in Kindergarten and first grade I was taught "Magic spelling". The concept was "if it looks like it sounds, then it's right" (phonetics). Now keep in mind, please, that I was reading at a third, fourth, or fifth grade reading level at this point. But because I was taught phonetic spelling I couldn't spell. It was supposed to encourage me to write... it just screwed me over. When I was in second grade, my teacher said to my mother "I have never seen a child read at such a high level who spells at such a low level." My reading level was about fifth grade, my spelling level was first.

To this DAY I have trouble spelling, especially words that are uncommon. And I usually pop them in to the search bar up top and make sure I don't spell them wrong.. and look them up to be sure they are the right word. I'm actually wicked embarrassed about it... I will intentionally not use words if I can't figure out how to spell them... I'll write around them instead... But I'm better than I used to be. I look the word up and try to use it often so I remeber how to spell it when it matters. I have lots of tricks I've taught myself over the years to help me remember simple things (shoot rhymes with boot - two o's.. shot rhymes with got - one o, etc).

So when I spell things wrong I call myself on it :)

Ugh thats rough :/ But atleast you are improving and with time you just get better and better at it =D

I was taught the same thing, spell Phonetically and it bites me in the butt all the time. I rely heavily on spell check and other nifty tools like that. I wonder how many other people were taught to spell like that.... because my whole school system taught spelling that way. Sure they taught the rules along with it but those never stuck as much as Phonetic spelling did.

@Foe: Yeah lol. I refuse total up what I spend on Coffee per month ^^ I just don't want to know that number heh.

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Story time:

When I was in Kindergarten and first grade I was taught "Magic spelling". The concept was "if it looks like it sounds, then it's right" (phonetics). Now keep in mind, please, that I was reading at a third, fourth, or fifth grade reading level at this point. But because I was taught phonetic spelling I couldn't spell. It was supposed to encourage me to write... it just screwed me over. When I was in second grade, my teacher said to my mother "I have never seen a child read at such a high level who spells at such a low level." My reading level was about fifth grade, my spelling level was first.

To this DAY I have trouble spelling, especially words that are uncommon. And I usually pop them in to the search bar up top and make sure I don't spell them wrong.. and look them up to be sure they are the right word. I'm actually wicked embarrassed about it... I will intentionally not use words if I can't figure out how to spell them... I'll write around them instead... But I'm better than I used to be. I look the word up and try to use it often so I remeber how to spell it when it matters. I have lots of tricks I've taught myself over the years to help me remember simple things (shoot rhymes with boot - two o's.. shot rhymes with got - one o, etc).

So when I spell things wrong I call myself on it :)

Ok cool. Sorry if you thought I was being nasty about it, I was just having a joke! I can appreciate the crap that you have had to go through. Is it an American thing, because we were never taught phonetically at school, in fact spelling was a major obsession in our school, we had at least one weekly spelling test.

I was quite lucky in the fact that I learnt to read and write etc at the same time as my brother (who is 18mths older) so I was already reading before I started school! the teachers didn't believe me that I had read all the books in the class, and called my parents in!!

They just told them to sit me down wth a book, any book, and let me read it to them. I did! Apparently the look on my teacher's face was priceless!

The problem i have is with punctuation etc....so where the apostrophes go....

So Fell, sorry if it upset you, didn't mean it in the slightest. But situation noted for future reference.

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not upset. Just sharing...

Weekly spelling tests started in second grade... it was too late for me then :) I'm pretty good at grammar and punctuation, etc. ;)

@Karn: I think that was something that ended not too long after you and I were in the second or third grade. My sister (who is 3yrs behind me in school) learned real spelling, not phonetics... She used to make fun of me when I asked her to check my spelling... She got me a dictionary when I graduated from high school :)

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not upset. Just sharing...

Weekly spelling tests started in second grade... it was too late for me then :) I'm pretty good at grammar and punctuation, etc. ;)

@Karn: I think that was something that ended not too long after you and I were in the second or third grade. My sister (who is 3yrs behind me in school) learned real spelling, not phonetics... She used to make fun of me when I asked her to check my spelling... She got me a dictionary when I graduated from high school :)

Obviously the education system in America (or at least your particular state) sucked up until recently!

Another reason for you to come over here to study English Literature!!

Plus you get the sexy accents..... ;)

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not upset. Just sharing...

Weekly spelling tests started in second grade... it was too late for me then :) I'm pretty good at grammar and punctuation, etc. ;)

@Karn: I think that was something that ended not too long after you and I were in the second or third grade. My sister (who is 3yrs behind me in school) learned real spelling, not phonetics... She used to make fun of me when I asked her to check my spelling... She got me a dictionary when I graduated from high school :)

Yeah weekly spelling tests started in second grade for me to. But I had already learned the method Im stuck spelling by... for spelling tests it was just pure memorization after that. There would always be those 4 or 6 that you could spell phonetically and then the rest were memorizing them.

Actually my dad used to drill me on them every day after school and any that I failed I had to write out 10 times and then get drilled again till I got them perfect >.>

@Fell: Blah! Lame!

Yeah I became friendly with Word really fast =D I learned how to type correctly when I was in 4th grade and on a full keyboard I'm really fast (if not completely accurate >.>). But I have my home spell check well trained =D

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according to the students, my room smells like a pool...

Smells like a pool.... Humid up there to? It's crushing humidity in MA... I am so glad we have AC in the building as I would be going nuts outside in that much humidity and heat.

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ummmmmm hello

Hi Foe!! We weren't ignoring you honest! So whats new with you today then?

You haven't missed much today so far, just some general chat...no weird goings on today......so far!

I think they cut the grass and then put fertilizer down... the window is open.... It's that cold kind of humidity again... I'm quite chilly right now...

I love the smell of cut grass (obviously its not good for hayfever!) but to ruin it by fertilising it....i shall get my rune sword on them!

Do you want my coat M'lady..... finest Guild issue!

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*Lobo nearly laughs hysterically at Fell's tree-shagging comment, then remembers he is sitting at his desk in the office*


I never had allergy problems when I lived in the south. So weird, but since moving up here to Ohio, I feel like I can never breathe through my nose. :(

That sucks about spelling for you guys. I'll make a mental note to not joke about it. I know I was giving Karn a rough time about suit vs. suite a ways back. :( I had spelling drilled into me like crazy when I was little. I also did some etymology classes throughout school, learning the origins of words and stuff. So, that helps me remember a lot of the oddly spelled words. To be fair, the English language is one of THE MOST STUPID languages when it comes to spelling and grammar. We just HAD to go and be different from everybody else.

@ Karn: I type stupid fast too, and people in my office are always giving me a hard time if I'm pounding away at something. Though after using typing software from like 2nd grade on, and playing piano for almost 25 years now, my fingers move pretty quick. ;)

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*Lobo nearly laughs hysterically at Fell's tree-shagging comment, then remembers he is sitting at his desk in the office*


I never had allergy problems when I lived in the south. So weird, but since moving up here to Ohio, I feel like I can never breathe through my nose. :(

That sucks about spelling for you guys. I'll make a mental note to not joke about it. I know I was giving Karn a rough time about suit vs. suite a ways back. :( I had spelling drilled into me like crazy when I was little. I also did some etymology classes throughout school, learning the origins of words and stuff. So, that helps me remember a lot of the oddly spelled words. To be fair, the English language is one of THE MOST STUPID languages when it comes to spelling and grammar. We just HAD to go and be different from everybody else.

@ Karn: I type stupid fast too, and people in my office are always giving me a hard time if I'm pounding away at something. Though after using typing software from like 2nd grade on, and playing piano for almost 25 years now, my fingers move pretty quick. ;)

Pfftt no it's not a big deal to me really. I deal with it and get people back for other things in exchange ;) Have at it with me atleast, I've got a thick skin ;D

Well if you have allergy issues to Pollen stay out of MA for the next week at least. The spring tree orgy is still going on and every other morning (when there is no rain!) my Blue car becomes yellow from it all ><

Heh yeah that would make your fingers really quick. Luckily everyone else around me can type well so my pounding away goes mostly unnoticed and I have a slick newer keyboard that has keys more like a labtops (less distance to depress them and don't clack when they go down).

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