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*hops down and appears in a pin strip suite. Walkers over to Ab and puts an arm around him and grins*

Welcome to the family little Egg man.... Muhahahahahaha!

Yeah right. Doesn't mean i'm necessarily going to be playing him/them!! But I probably will in the future!

Still Guild through and through, just a little dabble in the murky waters......

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@AB: Shogun Assassin? Wow. I've never seen that movie but isn't that from like the 50's?

Don't watch Shogun Assassin (though I was amused when it appeared in Kill Bill), it's the dodgey American release dub/sub. Watch it as it was originally intended, Lone Wolf and Cub, Sword of Vengeance.

Then watch the sequels. Baby Cart at the River Styx, Baby Cart to Hades, Baby Cart in Peril, Baby Cart in the Land of Demons and White Heaven in Hell

The last one is excellent as it starts with a huge scene set in the snow with lots of Ninja's on skis

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Don't watch Shogun Assassin, it's the dodgey American release dub/sub. Watch it as it was originally intended, Lone Wolf and Cub, Sword of Vengeance.

Then watch the sequels. Baby Cart at the River Styx, Baby Cart to Hades, Baby Cart in Peril, Baby Cart in the Land of Demons and White Heaven in Hell

The last one is excellent as it starts with a huge scene set in the snow with lots of Ninja's on skis

Thats right, I knew it went by another name. In fact I think the DVD I have has the original and the dubbed version. I just think the dubbed version is hilarious....

Haven't seen the sequels though, may have to track them down....cheers Ratty!!

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Yeah right. Doesn't mean i'm necessarily going to be playing him/them!! But I probably will in the future!

Still Guild through and through, just a little dabble in the murky waters......

Oh yes, thats what they all say. You have joined us AB and now you are forever under the influence of a Neverborn! No matter how small the sway may be.. .your are still one step closer.

*grins evilly from Fell's shoulder down at AB*

Fell knows our siren call and has embraced us, soon you will follow to. *Laughs evilly*

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Oh yes, thats what they all say. You have joined us AB and now you are forever under the influence of a Neverborn! No matter how small the sway may be.. .your are still one step closer.

*grins evilly from Fell's shoulder down at AB*

Fell knows our siren call and has embraced us, soon you will follow to. *Laughs evilly*

#takes out earplugs, and takes off foil hat#

Influence? Siren call? I don't think so.....Its just a perversion of mine! ;)

Lady Nephs do it for me everytime.....

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We stole a bunch of plays and movie scripts from Earth that Was... Including the Original Star Wars trilogy :D

It went perfectly.

My chracter is a registered companion, and one of my crewmates is a former alliance parliment member (PK). So we both know how to act like rich high and mighties.

I go to the first station on the train route, demanding to speak with the highest ranking representative available. I explain that I need to put a case with my Opera dress and a number of personal items in the most secure car available. I continue by explaining that I'm afraid some fool steward will spill something on the dress, like the last time we were there, and I don't want just anyone to have access to my things. *This is to gain access to the item in the most secure car--you have to have items in the car to enter it* They put a security strap on it, and I ask several pointed questions about being able to get into my case during the ride. I look at my crewmate, and figure we're boned.

We get into first class, and I begin loudly comparing the planet we're on (Paquin) with Shinon, trying to antagonize the owner of the goods to reveal themselves. It works like a charm; a young woman steps forward and explains that she has some items that should rocket Paquin past the Guild (as in companions) run planet. I beg her to let me see them, then start plying her with champagne. My crewmate is confused, then I remind him that we have the means to knock her out, but it'll look strange if she just passes out. Now we can make it look like she had too much to drink.

So just after the third stop (the last time they check the freight cars before we arrive at our destination) my crewmate drugs the girl. He takes her key and mine, takes some books out of the bottom of my case, switches them for the loot, then puts the loot in my case. At this point he returns to us, I "throw a hissy" go to the freight area to change, return and wake the girl up.

I insist on escorting her to a doctor, clearly the champagne was bad. I rush her past security (I don't let them stop her when they want her to check her case for contents) and rush her to a doctor. I was *supposed* to meet her at the opera that night, but I left a note with my regrets saying the Champagne made me ill as well, so I called a shuttle and returned to my ship. Then we left the planet.

A couple days later we hear that we are persons of interest, but instead of keeping my silence, I send a writen wave to the girl, saying how distraught I was to hear about the loss of her artifacts, and how I was very sorry that I didn't get to see them while she still had them, etc etc.

Best part: Most of it was MY idea... which made one of the Metagamers REALLY... not angry... but unhappy :)

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Hi everyone!!! Hows it going??

Good, I got Nekima :D

but other than that I'm good :)


freakin' trees need to stop shagging so my nose will stop running... *looks abashed by this statement*


See, coffee wise I'm rather bland...just give me a latte!!

No sugar.

I prefer Tea. The gentleman's drink!

And Shogun Assassin, 1980 I think......could be wrong!!

There might be more than one version though!!

Remends me of a T-shirt I've seen 'I'm here to drink tea and kick ass and I'm all out of tea

I know hayfever can suck big time though, an ex of mine suffered so badly she hated going out in the spring/summer. Even when she was drugged up to the eyeballs. Strangely, she was much nicer then too! ;)

I hate hayfeaver :(

Why can't do the're thing when I'm not around

Yeah right. Doesn't mean i'm necessarily going to be playing him/them!! But I probably will in the future!

Still Guild through and through, just a little dabble in the murky waters......

Once you go born you never go back

#takes out earplugs, and takes off foil hat#

Influence? Siren call? I don't think so.....Its just a perversion of mine! ;)

Lady Nephs do it for me everytime.....

Siren's are lady Nephilim ;)

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We stole a bunch of plays and movie scripts from Earth that Was... Including the Original Star Wars trilogy :D

It went perfectly.

My chracter is a registered companion, and one of my crewmates is a former alliance parliment member (PK). So we both know how to act like rich high and mighties.

I go to the first station on the train route, demanding to speak with the highest ranking representative available. I explain that I need to put a case with my Opera dress and a number of personal items in the most secure car available. I continue by explaining that I'm afraid some fool steward will spill something on the dress, like the last time we were there, and I don't want just anyone to have access to my things. *This is to gain access to the item in the most secure car--you have to have items in the car to enter it* They put a security strap on it, and I ask several pointed questions about being able to get into my case during the ride. I look at my crewmate, and figure we're boned.

We get into first class, and I begin loudly comparing the planet we're on (Paquin) with Shinon, trying to antagonize the owner of the goods to reveal themselves. It works like a charm; a young woman steps forward and explains that she has some items that should rocket Paquin past the Guild (as in companions) run planet. I beg her to let me see them, then start plying her with champagne. My crewmate is confused, then I remind him that we have the means to knock her out, but it'll look strange if she just passes out. Now we can make it look like she had too much to drink.

So just after the third stop (the last time they check the freight cars before we arrive at our destination) my crewmate drugs the girl. He takes her key and mine, takes some books out of the bottom of my case, switches them for the loot, then puts the loot in my case. At this point he returns to us, I "throw a hissy" go to the freight area to change, return and wake the girl up.

I insist on escorting her to a doctor, clearly the champagne was bad. I rush her past security (I don't let them stop her when they want her to check her case for contents) and rush her to a doctor. I was *supposed* to meet her at the opera that night, but I left a note with my regrets saying the Champagne made me ill as well, so I called a shuttle and returned to my ship. Then we left the planet.

A couple days later we hear that we are persons of interest, but instead of keeping my silence, I send a writen wave to the girl, saying how distraught I was to hear about the loss of her artifacts, and how I was very sorry that I didn't get to see them while she still had them, etc etc.

Best part: Most of it was MY idea... which made one of the Metagamers REALLY... not angry... but unhappy :)

So is that serenity then? Sounded a cool heist. I wouldn't have the patience for that. ;)

Been hearing this tune a lot again recently, I think its a year or more old now..

Thought KArn might like it..... I only really like it for KAty Perry. She's not quite on a par with KAte Winslet, but....

#swoons, falls to floor#


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We stole a bunch of plays and movie scripts from Earth that Was... Including the Original Star Wars trilogy :D

It went perfectly.

My chracter is a registered companion, and one of my crewmates is a former alliance parliment member (PK). So we both know how to act like rich high and mighties.

I go to the first station on the train route, demanding to speak with the highest ranking representative available. I explain that I need to put a case with my Opera dress and a number of personal items in the most secure car available. I continue by explaining that I'm afraid some fool steward will spill something on the dress, like the last time we were there, and I don't want just anyone to have access to my things. *This is to gain access to the item in the most secure car--you have to have items in the car to enter it* They put a security strap on it, and I ask several pointed questions about being able to get into my case during the ride. I look at my crewmate, and figure we're boned.

We get into first class, and I begin loudly comparing the planet we're on (Paquin) with Shinon, trying to antagonize the owner of the goods to reveal themselves. It works like a charm; a young woman steps forward and explains that she has some items that should rocket Paquin past the Guild (as in companions) run planet. I beg her to let me see them, then start plying her with champagne. My crewmate is confused, then I remind him that we have the means to knock her out, but it'll look strange if she just passes out. Now we can make it look like she had too much to drink.

So just after the third stop (the last time they check the freight cars before we arrive at our destination) my crewmate drugs the girl. He takes her key and mine, takes some books out of the bottom of my case, switches them for the loot, then puts the loot in my case. At this point he returns to us, I "throw a hissy" go to the freight area to change, return and wake the girl up.

I insist on escorting her to a doctor, clearly the champagne was bad. I rush her past security (I don't let them stop her when they want her to check her case for contents) and rush her to a doctor. I was *supposed* to meet her at the opera that night, but I left a note with my regrets saying the Champagne made me ill as well, so I called a shuttle and returned to my ship. Then we left the planet.

A couple days later we hear that we are persons of interest, but instead of keeping my silence, I send a writen wave to the girl, saying how distraught I was to hear about the loss of her artifacts, and how I was very sorry that I didn't get to see them while she still had them, etc etc.

Best part: Most of it was MY idea... which made one of the Metagamers REALLY... not angry... but unhappy :)

Hahaha! Awesome!

That sounds like a ton of fun and glad you got to pull it off. That sounds like classic train heist stuff and the kind of Rp I love =D

Congrats for riling the Meta Gamer to =D

*Gives Fell a big Hat with a feather in it*

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*sweeps the hat off, takes a dramatic bow, places hat on head, looks around* now where is my rapier?

*claps and wraps his tail around your neck before settling back down to drink his coffee*

Rapier? Hmmm...

*Snaps his fingers and a Rapier appears infront of you*

Is this it?

@AB: Ah yes katty Perry. I'm actually not a huge fan of this song of hers but I do like some of the others. Though this video does have good use of slow motion >.>

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*slashes the air while duel wielding rapiers (TOTALLY not possible lol) and striking dramatic poses* take that! and that! right in the rib cage! And one of those!

*Clings to the side of your head to avoid being knocked off*

Duck Chocobo!

*Earthquakes Chocobo out of the way*

Though I love the idea of Dual Wielding Rapiers =D

It is totally possible... just not if you want to use them correctly XD

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*slashes the air while duel wielding rapiers (TOTALLY not possible lol) and striking dramatic poses* take that! and that! right in the rib cage! And one of those!

*Clings to the side of your head to avoid being knocked off*

Duck Chocobo!

*Earthquakes Chocobo out of the way*

Though I love the idea of Dual Wielding Rapiers =D

It is totally possible... just not if you want to use them correctly XD

#watches Fell swishing the rapiers around. Pulls out rune sword#

Want a friendly duel M'lady? Obviously flat blade strikes...

#waggles sword#

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