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Who are your henchmen? And definitely apply if you're involved in growing the community. It's a lot of fun, and you don't need to know quite as many rules for 2nd edition as you used to. As Deus was telling me at Gencon, he had brand new players in the 2nd edition story encounters and people for the first time seeing the final rules, and he had fewer rules questions than the 1.5 events.

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Hmm...might have to try a grow league once the first five starter sets hit the shelves.

Hey now, I deserve some of the credit for getting her into the game, lol.

Her? Oh, so Bow was the lady everyone kept saying was looking for me. Not that it is odd. I have had 2 other ladies in the group at one time.

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Oh, no... I'm not a henchman. I'd like to be, but I'm just not a rule encyclopedia. I've got enthusiasm, though! I've been thinking about applying.

But we've already got two henchmen in Lincoln.

Trust me, you don't need to be a rule encyclopedia to be a henchmen. Even when running events, everyone on in my group will ask one member of my group questions instead of me. I am the creative brain type henchmen. I can't draw a crowd to save my life, but I can create rules for a campaign like no one's business. You might have seen them floating around the forums.

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We have um... five girls, I think?

I know of at least one of them. She used to come to Omaha back when there was another game shop in town. Very sweet young lady, everyone seemed to like her. She also came out to my Nuke Con Halloween Story encounter last year. Her and one other young lady.

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That must be Lauren, the cute sweet red head? She is a sweetie pie. My brother (The Lilith player) made it out to that event, and two of our other players.

Yup, that is her. I was trying to help her collect the all the riders, but the shop closed down and I never heard from her again. I believe she is part of my yahoo group. By the way Bow, feel free to join if you like (where ever she went?).


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Hey, you could always come down here once in a while for our events. We just need to get you through customs the day before. :-P

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

She has to wake up at 530AM, so Bow probably went to bed, lol. PMing it to her would be more certain.

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Hey, you could always come down here once in a while for our events. We just need to get you through customs the day before. :-P

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

She has to wake up at 530AM, so Bow probably went to bed, lol. PMing it to her would be more certain.

She got to sleep in, huh? -laughs- Yeah, I am sure she will find it.

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Oh well, I don't really NEED a critique of him, as he is just a doodle, but I won't complain if people point stuff out because... its a doodle. <3

Will be glad to meet you bow! :)

As to what I'm working on... I'm not sure how to answer that question! Artwise? I'm working on a few comissions for character sketches. Here is the last one I got done:


As for what else I'm working on... getting another job! And cleaning up my house. And running a weekly D&D campaign.

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