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Heh...Irish accent. I always try to pull that off, and it always ends up sliding back to a normal British accent. Too many years of watching (and imitating) Monty Python for me to do anything besides British accents. ;)

YAY!!! Monty Python...The best comedy crew in the world ...ever!!

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Morning (or afternoon!) to all!

Oooh, seems as though you've had an eventful morning. Here Karn, let me help you with something...

*licks hand, and then smooths down some hair on Karn's head which is still sticking up from the static shocking earlier*

There you go. :)

Did you all figure out if we have two teddies running around now, or was it just Sketch being silly? If it really is a second teddy, and somebody needs protecting, I think a little Immolation spell ought to do the trick.

I mean...uh....spells? No, I don't know anything about spells or magic. Just...uh....I have some lighter fluid and matches in my siege tank. Yeah, that's it. I could go...get...those....if necessary, that is...

Oh, and in other news....I DID get a chance to paint some this weekend, whew! Got 3 models done (well, to be fair, they were all about half-way done already). But still, felt nice to finish them up. Finished up Alyce, a Waif, and my Canine Remains. Will post some pics, maybe tonight.

Oh, and oddly enough, Wyrd forums are NOT blocked at my office this morning. The 3rd party service our network team uses to determine blocked sites is strange...

Thanks... I think. *pats his head*

Huzzah for finished models and unblocked sites! Yeah the filter softwares are always finicky and how they determine what is what can change way to easily just by a simple keyword appearing enough times etc. *shrugs* it's very odd at times.

But I made more progress on my models, working on my 2nd desolation engine. Did a practice for the Akira like flesh horror/blob things I'm going to add to it.

Yup, Queens english is the well spoken sort, like in the period dramas. You don't really hear it spoken like that on the streets lol! Thankfully i can perfect both!
Ahhh ok.

Heh...Irish accent. I always try to pull that off, and it always ends up sliding back to a normal British accent. Too many years of watching (and imitating) Monty Python for me to do anything besides British accents. ;)

lol I can do a bad British Accent like in Monty Python and a decent Sean Connery.

But yeah, I'd love to be able to do a good Irish.

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Get a few beers in me (or a couple of glasses of mead) then start speaking in brogue and I wont stop............................ I'm pretty good at picking up accents...



Heh, Get a few beers in me, and I'm quite good at picking up...I'll stop there! ;)

How big glasses are we talking here? Surely you mean a bottle of mead?

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Get a few beers in me (or a couple of glasses of mead) then start speaking in brogue and I wont stop............................ I'm pretty good at picking up accents...



Oh this I have to see =D

*summons over the Beer Monolith*

I think we have to make that road trip now ;)

Heh, Get a few beers in me, and I'm quite good at picking up laundry.

Finished it for you =D

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Finished it for you =D

Yes Laundry. What else?

With everyone Drinking I guess I'll be driving :D

designated driver! You have passed your test chocobo, right?


Oh no shame on me.

I'm an angel compared to what comes out of your head AB ;)

*Puts a diaper on your head*

true. No-one wants to know what comes out of my head. Think Father Jack in 'Father Ted' and I'm ten times worse!

Of course, Our US cousins will possibly have no idea of that reference!!

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designated driver! You have passed your test chocobo, right?

errr yes, I have

true. No-one wants to know what comes out of my head. Think Father Jack in 'Father Ted' and I'm ten times worse!

Of course, Our US cousins will possibly have no idea of that reference!!

Now you see, this cow is small those are far away, small, far away

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Yes Laundry. What else?

Candy? ;)

true. No-one wants to know what comes out of my head. Think Father Jack in 'Father Ted' and I'm ten times worse!

Of course, Our US cousins will possibly have no idea of that reference!!

*Scratches head at the reference*

I think I get the point though.

But none of us are innocent really ;) Some pretend to be though *pats Fells head and wraps his tail back around her neck*

Then there is Chocobo.... I think he is some sort of Chaos creature.... a lot of strange things happen around him.

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Candy? ;)

*Scratches head at the reference*

I think I get the point though.

But none of us are innocent really ;) Some pretend to be though *pats Fells head and wraps his tail back around her neck*

Then there is Chocobo.... I think he is some sort of Chaos creature.... a lot of strange things happen around him.


Hmmm...picking up candy? No, I don't think so.

Fell is innocent #sniggers# Sorry M'lady... #Awaits Biff#

And Chocobo is Chaotic, i'll give you that!

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