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Indeed, seeing the previews for stuff was pretty neat. Nightmare Tara definitely jumped to the top of my list, and I'm really interested in Kings of Artifice.

---------- Post added at 05:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 AM ----------

This picture is remarkably calming for some reason...


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After playing Tara in the beta, I'm definitely getting that crew. She was lots of fun for me, but I know they are going to have to work to keep her from being a negative experience for her foes. Burying everything gets annoying fast.

Tara can only bury one model at a time with her Glimse the Void trigger and the target gets a chance to resist the bury. Death Marshalls can each bury 1 model at a time. If any death marshal has a model burried then Tara cannot bury anyone. The target of the Death Marshall's Pine Box gets an oppurtunity to resist the initial bury and then again the next time the DM activates by performing a Wp/Wp duel.

Tara or the Nothing Beast as well as Void Wretches also have an oppurtunity to bury someone if they pay for the upgrade Voiceless Words and that comes at a cost of Tara or the NB and the Void Wretches dying and the target still gets a chance to resist. The wretsches also have to have LOS to the model with the upgrade.

I didnt see any negative play experience with the bury mechanic from her crew. I am curious to see how her and her crews bury mechanic is going to interact with whatever they come up with regarding the Dreamer.

I also enjoyed playing her as a Resser and using the bury unbury Bet Noire shenanigans as long as you can consistantly keep a 10+ card in your hand.

Edited by sharpobjects
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Morning Mako. Manage to grab some sleep?


Morning, afternoon..whatever Mako!

Ugh. Not enough sleep. Seven hours and it wasn't in the least bit restful. Oh well, time to face the day and get some shopping and painting done I guess!

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