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Hi peeps!

Sorry about the cat Steam, Its never nice losing a pet even if it is expected.

Good news about the Bones package though!

So, its an arcanist Miss this time then? MAy not be that bothered with it then. I see the Justice box is confirmed..yay, so far thats the book and Justice box for me..

I guess that will almost take me to the $100 mark anyway, so I'm sure I'll get the miss, but may sell it on after.

In other news, i am still negotiating on the Menoth, trying to get a good deal.

And have won the other warmachine army books (cygnar, khador, cryx, retribution, mercs and Cyriss) on ebay for £30 inc postage! Result!!

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I see the Justice box is confirmed..yay, so far thats the book and Justice box for me..

I guess that will almost take me to the $100 mark anyway, so I'm sure I'll get the miss, but may sell it on after.

Well the book is going to be $40 so I'm hoping that Justice isn't going to be $60... I'm thinking between $30 and $40 for her box...

That's going to take me to 21 Death Marshals!

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Well the book is going to be $40 so I'm hoping that Justice isn't going to be $60... I'm thinking between $30 and $40 for her box...

That's going to take me to 21 Death Marshals!

Yeah, I think it will be about $40 so just need a couple of smaller minis or maybe another crew box to tip it over $100...but if there isn't anything that takes my fancy, I'll just stick to the book and Justice and forget about the miss..I'm not that bothered with it!

And Death Marshals? Well, If I keep all the old metal ones...only 13...(9 metal, 3 new plastic and Missterious)

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Thanks Abs.

For gencon I'm just going to wait and see what takes my fancy on the day. If it's like last year then I'll be way above $100 and end up removing things from the basket so my bank account doesn't have a heart attack.

lol, yeah I get that..my budget is vastly reduced this year too after finally manging to purchase some menoth..

Managed to snag this little lot:

Harbinger of Menoth

Avatar of Menoth



Choir (6)

Covenant of menoth



Zealots (10)

Zealot Leader

Temple Flameguard (6)

Temple Flameguard UA

Visgoth Juviah & Honour Guard


Which will hopefully give me enough models to make a decent sized force to begin with... I'm looking at you edonil for confirmation..unless you know your menoth too Steam!!

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I'm thinking Tara's crew and the book will get me close to $100. I am going to try to make sure I order stuff my LGS can't get readily- I might pass up on the book so I can get it from him instead, though I'm not sure what I'll replace it with.

The book can wait- I've got plenty of stuff to work on as it is. I'm looking to put in a big order to war-bases.co.uk for a slew of bases for my Bones and a few of their Kings of War multibasing trays to try out. Their custom tokens are a tad basic compared to Litko's, but 46 cents a piece is about as cheap as you can get for acrylics. Even with the huge shipping cost, it's still going to be a few bucks cheaper than going through Litko or FRPGames for what I need.

Anyone know of any tokens that are customizable per piece that would be cheaper than 46 cents (£0.30) each?

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Also, rumors of Specialist Games being done by Fantasy Flight. Yeah, right. I'll believe it when I see it firsthand.

Besides, other games have those niches covered, and in some ways, covered better:

Mordheim: Song of Deeds and Glory, Freeblades

Necromunda: Deadzone

Battlefleet Gothic: Noble Armada, Firestorm: Armada, Star Fleet Battles

Warmaster: Hail Caesar is basically Warmaster 2.0 Ancients, the DBx family.

Blood Bowl: Oh hai, Dreadball. Oh double hai, independent community rulemakers and minis companies. On the tabletop, the "official" Blood Bowl has become unnecessary.

Inquisitor: Um, play Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader/other FF 40k RPGs with minis.

Epic: Dropzone Commander, Future War Commander

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Full Thrust! Forgot that one. I knew there was one more in that list.

In any event, as much as I have fond memories of those games, time has moved on. I'll always have love for Necromunda, Blood Bowl, wonderment about Epic, and hate for Mordheim (took 'em long enough to finally counteract Skaven sling spam), but Deadzone looks like it'll give a similar yet better experience to Necromunda (Jake wrote Outlanders, after all). Dreadball takes half as long to play as Necromunda and has only slightly less strategy. I've heard NetEpic and Future War Commander are better than the game that inspired them, and Song of Blades and Heroes is more fun than the fiddly, loaded-with-cheap-deaths Mordheim any day (seriously, if a model was knocked over, it was probably permanently dead).

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Full Thrust! Forgot that one. I knew there was one more in that list.

In any event, as much as I have fond memories of those games, time has moved on. I'll always have love for Necromunda, Blood Bowl, wonderment about Epic, and hate for Mordheim (took 'em long enough to finally counteract Skaven sling spam), but Deadzone looks like it'll give a similar yet better experience to Necromunda (Jake wrote Outlanders, after all). Dreadball takes half as long to play as Necromunda and has only slightly less strategy. I've heard NetEpic and Future War Commander are better than the game that inspired them, and Song of Blades and Heroes is more fun than the fiddly, loaded-with-cheap-deaths Mordheim any day (seriously, if a model was knocked over, it was probably permanently dead).

NetEpic is the original Space Marine, with years of online alteration.. I'm still more of an Epic Armageddon player, it's one of the best systems out there.

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They want me trained on every show we do, so I'd be the default replacement guy, which is good. Also the full time guy is going to get pulled for other projects and I'm the only who knows the secret to coax the machines into working.

Hint: I bought the biggest wrench and have the most built up nerd-rage!

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