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Not bad, negotiating on purchases of Menoth stuff...hoping to get over 150 figures (mainly assembled, and some painted) for a decent price...

That should then set me up with enough choices to field pretty much any force I want...but I mainly want to field Harbinger, maybe Kreoss

I also like the look of Khador (picking up a book for cheap today) but those models can wait until later in the year, unless a bargain comes up..

Tried looking at the Hordes stuff but nothing really took my fancy, except maybe Legion at a push..

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Don't run an eKreoss tier list. I ran a Tier 4 list twice...felt like such an ass. It's a mean sucker of a list. I retired it soon after.

Haven't got my head around the tier system as yet, well to be honest I haven't read any of the rules yet! Are tiers just for themed lists, or does every game have a tier level!

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Just for theme lists. Some of them are bad, some are okay, some, like eKreoss and eKaya, are brilliant. Both of those are examples of fluffy playstyle is the most efficient playstyle for the caster. eKreoss loves his infantry, particularly Exemplars and Daughters, and eKaya loves her beats.

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Don't remember being all that impressed by it, but then I never really figured out her playstyle.

---------- Post added at 06:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------

...huh. Weird. I have internet this far from the house. >.> This is going to ruin my plans for doing writing away from the internet without going to the peninsula.

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Webmonkey I know I missed it before, but I can tell you from experience don't do anything with your knee that you're not cleared to do yet. My dad's got a bunch of problems with his knees and back that are much worse because of stuff like that.

I just had a realization last night that most of the giant-sized models in Kings of War are way too expensive for what they do.

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Alright. Today is my stealth day. Should be a day off but Im working it for yet another person in favour of more money before the drop-off.

Im realizing how much stuff I do when im not at work though, since I have no time to cook or go grocery shopping

---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

Stealth because Im not allowed to work this many days in a row for lame reasons.

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