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Bonus all round!

I'm pretty sure I'll get the rules and Tara, but not sure on everything else. I'm stuck waiting to see what's announced too.

Menoth, eh? Second hand and no assembly is good, that's possibly the worst part of metals, prepping the blasted things.

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Ok, I have no where else to ask this - and it REALLY doesn't deserve it's own thread just because I'm a potential derp.

Is 'Wyrd' pronounced:

  • Weird
  • Word
  • Wired !?

No one around here seems to know, and everyone says it just a teeeeny bit different. Hahaha.

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you got away from the painting for a bit? good for you!

And yah, it is interesting what all they have on there. Classroom material wthoout the class room or the class of students. :) I've been going through and looking at everything. I really want to try some ofthe engineering classes, but they require math, and I have never been able to do anything more complicated than basic algebra. I fail horribly at math. Which means I would probably make a rotten engineer.

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