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*Lasso's Ab*

Yeee Haww!

*reals him in* Down boy! Down Eggy!

#runs around dragging a Nephilim behind him!#

He's in there

*watches AB's run into steel room, then locks it shut after him*

Where? Who? What? DARNITT! That yellow feathered fiend.

haha! *releases Abs* be nice Karn *eyes dance with mirth as she consoles the Egg*

#enjoys the consoling. winks at KArn.#

Look what i found in the room!

#holds up box that has a label reading ' Do Not Open'#

Go on chocobo, i dare you....

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#enjoys the consoling. winks at KArn.#

Look what i found in the room!

#holds up box that has a label reading ' Do Not Open'#

Go on chocobo, i dare you....

*grumbles and looks over at the box*

Hey! Thats where my box went to. You should probably give that back to me.

*holds out hand and there is one of those moments where you just know giving it over will be making a deal with a devil*:vb_devil:

Ooooeerr!! Is that what the kids call it these days!! ;)
Just a little worried about being behind on the times AB? ;)
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*grumbles and looks over at the box*

Hey! Thats where my box went to. You should probably give that back to me.

*holds out hand and there is one of those moments where you just know giving it over will be making a deal with a devil*:vb_devil:

Just a little worried about being behind on the times AB? ;)

#hands KArn the box.#

Not worried about any deals. If its yours you can have it. I'll just clean up the mess later.....

Me, behind the times? I'm light years ahead.

And You have to give me a cake.

Guild Law 456g

"Shoulder Nephilims are contracted to give cakes out on demand to Guild representatives"

Cream donut please!

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What did I do to reveal my OCD Grammar Nazi self? :angel:
*Grins and looks knowingly at you*

#hands KArn the box.#

Not worried about any deals. If its yours you can have it. I'll just clean up the mess later.....

Me, behind the times? I'm light years ahead.

And You have to give me a cake.

Guild Law 456g

"Shoulder Nephilims are contracted to give cakes out on demand to Guild representatives"

Cream donut please!

*Takes the box and puts it away, really he just puts it behind his back and it's gone*

Cake? Sure I'll give you cake. It's right over there.

*Points to an Archway that says "Apature Science" above it, inside you can see a table with a delicious looking cake on it*

Have at it, I'm still satiated from my sandwich earlier.

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#runs around dragging a Nephilim behind him!#

Where? Who? What? DARNITT! That yellow feathered fiend.

#enjoys the consoling. winks at KArn.#

Look what i found in the room!

#holds up box that has a label reading ' Do Not Open'#

Go on chocobo, i dare you....

Only if you give me cake

*opens box*

*grumbles and looks over at the box*

Hey! Thats where my box went to. You should probably give that back to me.

*holds out hand and there is one of those moments where you just know giving it over will be making a deal with a devil*:vb_devil:

Just a little worried about being behind on the times AB? ;)

Oh deer

#hands KArn the box.#

Not worried about any deals. If its yours you can have it. I'll just clean up the mess later.....

Me, behind the times? I'm light years ahead.

And You have to give me a cake.

Guild Law 456g

"Shoulder Nephilims are contracted to give cakes out on demand to Guild representatives"

Cream donut please!

stop making those up or I will have to sit on you again

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*Grins and looks knowingly at you*

*Takes the box and puts it away, really he just puts it behind his back and it's gone*

Cake? Sure I'll give you cake. It's right over there.

*Points to an Archway that says "Apature Science" above it, inside you can see a table with a delicious looking cake on it*

Have at it, I'm still satiated from my sandwich earlier.

*high fives Karn*

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*high fives Karn*

*returns the High Five in a manner which would make The Todd proud*

And I'm not falling for that. I don't need the cake anymore!

Except now it is never safe for you to eat cake again.... you never know which cake is safe and which has had my influence brought upon it.... *smiles sweetly* =D

And following on from Man taking pony on the train story yesterday (it happened in Wrexham, my home town) there appears to be more!


Wow... thats actually kinda cool... keep us up to date on this! I want to know if this guy just really likes his Pony or if this is some kind of stunt.

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Except now it is never safe for you to eat cake again.... you never know which cake is safe and which has had my influence brought upon it.... *smiles sweetly* =D

Wow... thats actually kinda cool... keep us up to date on this! I want to know if this guy just really likes his Pony or if this is some kind of stunt.

He must be a nutter. I was walking home yesterday and there was a pile of horse poo in the street. Can't be too many horses wandering around the town centre!

Will keep you posted!

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All I have to do is make some Photocopies... then I'm waiting on one last referance letter... then I can mail all four applications out O.O

Huzzah Progress! Congrats =)

Hope something sticks from all those.

Arsenic... not Arcanist... It's Resser Koolaide, not Finger wiggler *gavomits at the though...*

I was about to say.... Arcanists taste like Arsenic? I can't say I have really ever licked one...

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