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Ugh, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this .... but f*ck me is anyone else sick of reading the overly positive posts circling around the ME2 beta section?

This works both ways, there are the two extremes of hate and love, and most normal discussions in the middle.

But jeez I am sick of the gushing and back patting around this beta atm.

The extreme haters are being childish yes, but the "everything is always perfect in ME2 so don't complain about anything ever, happy, smile, sunshine, fairies and buttercups" crowd are ****ing me off something awful.

They creep into every thread at some point and write passive aggressive posts when people point out rational concerns and it is driving me up the wall.

Anyway, rant over. I thought I was better posting it here than starting a thread or jumping off a cliff from reading some of the absolute cr*p that is getting written on some of the Beta threads.

I admit I've been pessimistic in alot of what I said about the transition, but being passive agressively silenced by inane 'everything is awesome lalalalalala' posts ****ies me off sometimes.

Again, sorry if this isn't a place to post this.

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are you kidding?? I'm old enough to be most of you guys' father,... *lol*

Not mine, heh.

though, thankfully, I seem to be aging well,.. so far.

The LGS crew can't believe I am my actual age- they had me pegged as about 5 years younger. It's my relative lack of maturity combined with my not getting too much sun, I think *wink*

My article on Kings of War Undead got into the Ironwatch fanzine: http://forum.manticblog.com/showthread.php?4376-Ironwatch-Issue-10-Feedback&highlight=ironwatch

Shaper, those buildings look great. Are they easy to assemble?

D-A-C, I don't have a problem with your ranting- I've done it plenty. I was on the beta and I'm hoping to pick things up again now that I can play in public.

I feel that 2E overall will be an improvement. Potential new players' eyes glaze over when they look at Malifaux 1.5 stat cards unless they are veteran miniatures gamers- I've watched it happen during demos. If nothing else, 1.5 needed a cleanup, badly.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing up legit concerns (and there are several, to be sure- that's why there's an open beta). There's nothing wrong with saying "I don't think I'll continue playing if 2.0 is like this," either (though it will ring hollow to me if they don't try a game or two with the beta rules first).

I do think some folks' froth and nerd rage is completely unnecessary (and annoying)- people need some perspective.

This is toy soldiers. No one will die or lose a limb or one of their senses from this. "I've spent $x on Malifaux and now my investment is ruined" is a load of crap, too. If you enjoyed playing, you got something for your investment already. Use the models to keep playing 1.5. Use them for another game (Wolsung, Wild West Exodus, GASLIGHT, and Empire of the Dead are four alternatives that come to mind already). Or just paint them and enjoy them for what they are.

When GW jacked their prices up yet again and I realized I didn't even like 40k much, I just stopped buying their product. I didn't send them angry letters. I just stopped giving them my money, and, if asked, I explained why.

Edited by Dustcrusher
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I dunno, this is a nice peaceful place free of the outside politics usually. A bunch of us were in the beta, and are in here as usual avoiding the screaming until all of it calms down *wink*

Finally, after 6 visits to health and safety, I don't have to book another visit! They'll call me if they decide I have to go back again... sigh.

And even better, my second culture dish has decided to become furry. S today's analysis got scrapped. Got to start at the beginning again. *headdesk*

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Yeah, we koolaiders tend to hang out here in our off hours

I think its less of a circle-w@nk for us and more of a "oh I see someone having the same issue I did! I shall post what fixed it for me". Believe me, we all have our problems with the current edition and the next edition. We've just voiced a lot of them already?

Back on the offtopic those look super cool shaper

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Yikes, that's a fairly enormous project! What's the world like?

Mostly high fantasy with steampunk elements, torn on wether or guns should be included or not and what form it should take

I've been building a world for D&D for years but never did anything with it.

I got list the greater God lined up already

Also the ranks of god, although I haven't got any names for any others than the greater god

Background for demons/orgin for them as well

An entire war with said demons

Also vampires

Fate has a lot shorted out as well

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Ooh, Jeff the god of biscuits and Simon the god of haircuts!

Ahh, Eddie Izzard jokes...

Sounds like a good mix, could always go for primitive firearms, to allow the steampunky stuff to fit with the weapon tech?

Sounds like fun little minor gods there

I like idea useing primitive flintlocks, that were faily unreliable being fairly common. But were outlawed from Elven forest and Dracokin lands for having 'no honnor'

Also high elves using guns powered by magic

The people of 'Great North' the more technological advance civilisation to north (north pole) using even better guns than that

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

Also race count







Each race to have four sub races

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Hmm. Needs more squirrel :-P

---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 PM ----------

At a guess; Golems make things. Golems are things. Therefore, golems make golems. Lol

Course, it didn't go so well off them in feet of clay, but it can't go that wrong every time, right?

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