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Mako, you might want to add some shock armor to that Jaeger costume for the swarm that'll hit you once people from the forum realize who you are!

Oh dear. Last time that happened, it took ages to get all the tar and feathers off. *grin*

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Well things advanced quickly while I wrote this wall'o'text ;)

Hello bowchikawowers, I'm Bentley and I'm hoping to be edonil and mako's biggest critic >:D

@edonil: You call that a novel! (your welcome) =]

@Mako: You're wubbish! (honestly, no need to thank me) =D

Well that was easy.

What's the brick wall you're at? Maybe the rest of the OTTers can start laying from sapping tunnels for ya.

It's the first "book" in the Black Joker Series (they'll be 3-4 books per novel). The first problem is I can't for the life of me think of a name for the protagonist, and that sort of thing is really important for me. He runs a group called The Martyrs of Fate, who specialise in sparing people their unfortunate fates by borrowing their idenity until the fate is resolved. The group itself is a real band of misfits, and the protagonist is like a sort of "prince of thieves" type (i.e. a pretty normal looking person surrounded by outcasts). His personality has the traits of an actor, circus manager, suave gambler and charismatic rogue; he's vain, arrogant, manipulative, dishonest and sometimes cold, but while he acts like he detests the company he keeps, he suffers from guilt, one of the reasons of which is that these guys are his only "friends". The whole series will be written in first person, and he often indirectly addresses the reader (as if they can see and judge him), almost as if they are his conscience.

But thats's just the first bit I'm stuck on =P The second bit is to do with a plot point. So the first book starts with the protagonist in prison. We soon discover that he is playing the role of a client. But his plan to escape is foiled (he must have flipped a black joker or something...) and he and his team get coerced into making a deal with the Guild to do a job, only for the Protagonist and Co. and the Guild to find out that the Protagonist's original client was playing them both. Between that there's a lot of business deals and such that go horribly wrong, and it all links together (the theme of the book is ill-fated business deals). But what I can't seem to decide is what crime the protagonist is initially in prison for. Because it has to be serious enough for it to have weight, but also be one where the client could contact the protagonist and for the protagonist to be put in jail and not just killed on the spot. Unfortunately it wil also likely have to link to the client's true idenity which I can't quite decide because of the current obstacle. The worst kind of brick wall is one that forms a vicious circle =[

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Elias Kerchill for a name.

My question is what you're intending to do to make him sympathetic. Right now, he doesn't come across as a protagonist, unless you're aiming for an Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain?

Refusing to pay a debt owed to a noble might be one kind of crime that would get someone in a lot of trouble. Debtor's prison was a problem for a while historically. Another might be an accidental death.

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Night Web!

I want to see this Jaeger costume, Mako. Ed you better take a picture and send it to me. text message is fine. No good places to cosplay to here. no... let me rephrase that. no places to cosplay to AT ALL out here. it's like the midwest has forgotten how to have fun and be silly. even halloween is boring! no interesting costumes at all, everyone's either fairy princesses or death. or skeletons or ghosts. really boring stuff. I wish I could go too. I dressed up as an airship captain and everyone ignored the sword and decided I was Amelia Earhart. >.<

Panda that sounds like an interesting book. He could always have robbed a bank. that's one that'll get you tossed in jail without getting shot unless you shoot first. do they have banks in malifaux? hrm....

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