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Oh yeah, that stuff does the trick too. Though if it's really old paint and it's stuck on good, it's probably going to involve scrubbing no matter what you use.

Could also try putting her in the freezer then thawing her a few times, sometimes that helps as the metal shifts as it changes temperature

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Hm. Might have to give that a go.

Worst case scenario of this, I buy another one...$20 is a little much, but it would give me the chance to get her helmet and scabbard again (lost those... >.>) and I could do a proper base for her.

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

O.O Holy crap, I love my professor. The class that I'm way behind on? He just gave a 24 hour extension for the assignments because of Easter. Thank you God! LOL

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Sorry,.. got snagged for a food run by the wife,..

Russian! Aaaah kill it kill it kill it!

No wait, it's spiders I hate. Not Russians. Probably best to not get them confused.

Wait,.. there's room for compromise here,.. they can be Russian spiders,...

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:26 PM ----------

I ain't been on in a while. How's everyone been? Did I miss anything important?

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No no no...Jaegar spiders. They simply must be Jaegar spiders.

Heh, how're you doing at the new job a few weeks into it?

---------- Post added at 10:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------

I'm okay. Working on schoolwork, doing work, fighting with the muse to get her onto painting, lol.

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The new job is going well enough. I enjoy it (as much as one can actually enjoy work anyways)

My muse has been mostly non-existant as of late. Just haven't had much time or really been inspired to get painting. I did do a couple more 7 dollar paint jobs though. (posted the pics up on the thread). And I have another showgirl mostly painted,.. but can't seem to settle on the finishing touches for her.

Edited by Webmonkey
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I need to get writing too,... I'm not good enough or fast enough for the iron quill thing. But I do enjoy telling a story. I'm always self-conscious though. Never sure if people enjoy my work or not. I guess it would help if I shared my stuff more though. I don't get feedback because I don't really share. And there-in lies my problem. Plus,.. I tend to get embarrassed easily, especially at negative feedback on such things.

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I tend to ignore "proper grammar" and "proper writing" techniques. Mostly, because real people don't speak in a "grammatically correct" fashion.

Maybe I will send you some stuff. I figure, as long as I can get my point across, and maybe take the reader on a bit of a journey that they can picture inside their head, then I've done my job. I also tend to write like I speak and how I think inside my own head. Maybe it just doesn't always translate well for others.

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Heh, if you define proper grammar as what Word tells you to do, forget that nonsense. First thing I do with every word processor is turn that feature off, it's wrong most of the time. I aim first and foremost for clarity of expression. If something seems unclear, I'll recommend it be changed. Otherwise, it probably falls under different writing styles. If you write like you post up here, you and I will get along just fine. :)

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I'd encourage you to send it to Panda too, he's a better editor than I am by far. Although, don't sell yourself short, Panda, you're pretty good at it too!

What's the brick wall you're at? Maybe the rest of the OTTers can start laying from sapping tunnels for ya.

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Plus, he's quite good at telling you where you screwed up without sounding cruel *wink*

I could use some of that I suppose. It wouldn't work well if he just blurted out that it sucked without explaining what was wrong.

Me>> What'd I do wrong???

Ed>> *points harshly* YOU FAIL!!!,.... AT LIFE!!! *insert maniacal laughter here*

Me>> *crushed,.. and crying in the corner*

See?? that just doesn't do anything productive for me,... *grin*

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heya! Monkey, you can send stuff to me too. I'm about as avid a reader as ever existed on the planet and a visual thinker. I like to describe it as watching a book. :3 If you're aiming for giving the reader an image they can see in their heads, I can definitely help there. And I'm about as irreverent a grammar student as you can imagine. English classes. pshhhh so long as the idea is clear who cares if it's grammatically correct?

I do some proof reading for Ed, too. he can tell you if im helpful or not. I like to aid more with concept and direction than writing styles. big picture kinda thing, ya know? :)

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