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Heh yeah, I like it. Can't remember where I read the chainsaw comment though. Although a quick hunt on google reveals some absolute gems:

On a Swedish chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.

On a Korean kitchen knife: Warning: Keep out of children.

On a Sears hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping.

On a Japanese food processor: Not to be used for the other use.

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4am is my usual get up time during the week for work ... mind you I do crash a might bit before then.

Arrgh! need to do some manual labour when I get home tonight, having paving done and the contractor is ahead of schedule and wants to come tomorrow so I need to make sure I have everything clear for him

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Ah, the HAL suit is a piece of genius. Exoskeleton designed for nurses originally, to help them carry and manoeuvre patients. The earlier versions increased a persons lifting capacity by 60kg. Not sure what the latest one does.

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dont use the food processro to blend rocks or like?

You would be surprised at how often I mix up my food processor with my rock tumbler. Just means I'm getting more minerals.

My LGS owner has been very sick lately. He's just found out what it was- it's going to take a long time to recover, and he might be on medication for life. If it doesn't go well he might be looking at a transplant in the future.

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I've been a rather sad panda lately...

Nothing serious mind you, just rather demotivated by lack of progress in a lot of areas.

I'm totally in love with Arena Rex, and completely pulled my WWX pledge so I could go up to $500 on it. But because I've actually been keeping up to date with the comments and being more active on it, I've encountered the darker side of the KS comments section.

Red Republic Games have been great at taking on user feedback, and have even agreed to the creation of a female gladiator riding a giant scorpion. But the downside of an active and opinionated community is when people have opposed ideas. I have been working hard to try and prevent the inclusion of nudes and pin-ups in Arena Rex (there's already plenty games who supply it, why do we need more?) I also have always loved the idea of representing children more in miniature games (among other varieties of characters not represented), and really liked the idea of representing Romulus and Remus. But many of the same people who are happy to throw naked prostitutes to the lions (so long as they're hot because otherwise what's the point, right?), seemed to make a connection between my idea and the killings in Connecticut. I've come to realise that it's very hard to present an argument or debate on KS because you instantly run the risk of pushing new backers away. You want to support certain ideas, and voice your opinion, but you also want to sell the game, and community, to potential backers. So atm I'm taking a break until I can add something more constructive to the project. But in doing so I feel like taking a break all together..

Which leads me to the other thing getting me down. I have so many projects now, that it's hard to keep track of them all. It doesn't help that I have a lot less time these days, and feeling too ill to go to the local gaming clubs. To then have the source of a lot of inspiration (the Arena Rex KS) turn on me and foreshadow my game ideas with miniature related arguments... well it does hurt one's motivation somewhat.

Anyway, looks like time's up once again.

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I'm with ya, Panda. I've been so unmotivated to work on the hobby side of things lately that I've been wondering if I should just quit playing everything for a while after Nashcon, or maybe even permanently. Probably not permanently, but I think I need a hiatus from the hobby for a while- as long as I find some other means of getting out and interacting with other people. Maybe I could just play board games at the store instead- plenty of fun with a lower time commitment.

Kinda getting tired of people bitching about GW's prices, rules, whatever and then staining their shorts over the latest releases.

I'm slightly hypocritical about my "no more money to GW" pledge, since I've bought a movement tray kit and one of the fantasy wall kits at a discount (not to mention the Blood Bowl Team Manager card game, but I consider that "telling GW what I actually want"). What I have given GW is chump change next to what most of these guys have dropped on the new plastic bling.

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Evening everyone, how goes?

So, I think I might finally toss my hat into the Iron Quill...at which point, someone else is going to need to judge the round, lol. My little brainstorm of an NPC fits into the ingredients pretty well, oddly enough...

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