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I think I'm going to buy into Alkemy, partly because it is getting harder to get a hold of as well as it generally looking great. I love the totally-not-Khajiit ;)

Hopefully that might leave me with enough to think about buying into Hell Dorado. Though I'm having the same probelm with it as I had with Infinity (which I will buy later), I can't decide on a faction (Lost are winning atm) and I'm currently working off nothing more than aesthetics.

I wish miniatures would stop distracting me from my current story.

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I'm going to resist Warzone for now, mostly because the later the expected delivery the less reason I find to buy now unless there's a particular reason. Not much reason pre-ordering a game just because of a small discount (-£1?), unless it's Darklands and it's a huge discount =] But we'll see how the Stretch Goals go, and if I feel obliged to help reach any. I am already won over by the Dark Legion.

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I think I'm going to buy into Alkemy, partly because it is getting harder to get a hold of as well as it generally looking great. I love the totally-not-Khajiit ;)


I'll be sending you a PM soon *grin*

Also, I'm with you on Hell Dorado- were I to play it, I'd be all about the Lost. I've always had a soft spot for rejects.

A bunch of people around here are buying into the new Warzone game.....


Unless they completely jacked up the rules, it's a good game. I'm hoping they took 1st Edition and just tweaked it/added a couple of new twists.

I'm going to resist Warzone for now...Not much reason pre-ordering a game just because of a small discount (-£1?)...if I feel obliged to help reach any. I am already won over by the Dark Legion.

They are just scratching the surface. There are 5 Dark Legion Apostles, and so far only Algeroth the Apostle of War is represented. Algeroth is sort of the war profiteer to Khorne's genocidal maniac.

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Oh true, Kirai is supposed to rock. As yet, the weak link in the process is between my ears *grin*

Also, the deceiver is a very odd model. The proportions are all over the place. Half his measurements say a normal necron head is the right size, others that it needs to be twice the size, and various places in between too! It's like he was sculpted in one of those fairground fun mirrors...

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Oh, I'll find a scale that works, it just won't be right by the maths. But nothing would be right by the maths unless I can simultaneously sculpt in two scales! It'll probably be about one and a half times standard size I think, that should be big enough to look right on the bigger bits without looking like a bobble-head. Unless you'd like a necron bobble-head? Lol

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Aye lol.

Oh, a friend of mine is in an opera next week, and I have a ticket. So I shall be going to see 'the tales of Hoffman'. Even when being high society, I still manage to geek out *grin*

But if there's no peacekeeper or guardians, I'll be a bit disappointed *wink*

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Ahh, plastic glue. So brilliant for sticking yan lo together, and yet so useless when I accidentally pick you up to glue on Kaeris' wings... Why are you so cruel to me, plastic glue?

---------- Post added at 04:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------

Also, I won't venture an opinion cos I suck at crew building. But I still like the acolyte's model!

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