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nicely accesorizes,

that said we should make thet into a pin, to put on our t-shirts :D

boss in bad mood, short word are easier to hide

>.> I can't see anything if your linking a pic *kicks firewall*

Now where are those fireworks I had for a celebration?

Oh those? *hops up onto Fell's shoulder* I put them in my box *points to his Box sitting on the table of long forgotten cake or death*

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>.> I can't see anything if your linking a pic *kicks firewall*

Oh those? *hops up onto Fell's shoulder* I put them in my box *points to his Box sitting on the table of long forgotten cake or death*

#Eyes box with suspicion#

So is it safe to get them out? Or do i just drop a lighted splint in and run?

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#Eyes box with suspicion#

So is it safe to get them out? Or do i just drop a lighted splint in and run?

Hmmm don't know... haven't check it in a little while... you may just end up with a face full of Woes. *rubs beard thoughtfully*

Okay :(

If you can be a good Chocobo you can still play. Just no more turning people into things. *Gnaws on a carrot*

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Oh cool. What did you do to Levy and the Engine? I'm still not 100% settled on mine yet and I'm looking for ideas.

Mwa ha ha ha....not ready for revelation yet. Just know that the whole crew will have a theme, and it centers around Alyce (or is it Alice?) :D

Hmm...fire works you say?

You all might want to make some space

Or I suppose, it would be better stated.....STAND BACK! I'M GOING TO TRY...MAGIC!!

*waggles fingers in direction of said box o' fireworks!*

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Mwa ha ha ha....not ready for revelation yet. Just know that the whole crew will have a theme, and it centers around Alyce (or is it Alice?) :D

Hmm...fire works you say?

You all might want to make some space

Or I suppose, it would be better stated.....STAND BACK! I'M GOING TO TRY...MAGIC!!

*waggles fingers in direction of said box o' fireworks!*

Excellent work Lobo, and you managed to make them appear one post earlier!! Now that is finger waggling! ;)

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Methinks somebody has been watching too much ET.

Dude... it's Shining Gundam from G Gundam >.>

His signature attack is Shining Finger!

ET phone premium rate phone line
lol really? That seems like a bit of a unfortunate name XD Edited by karn987
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*Strats bouncing in her chair chanting "one of them, one of them", attempts to turn Chocobo back into a Chocobo, but in her excitement turns him into a duck*

*jostles around on your shoulder, holding onto your head to stay on*

Ugh... like... a ... Nephilim... bobble head...

*Flails around and ends up rolling around to your other shoulder and holds on tight*

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*continues bouncing* SO excited!!!!!!!

*Continues to bobble around on your shoulder*

Glad your so excited! Hope you enjoy yourself =)


Any way, time for me to get to a meeting for an hour or so. *Snaps fingers and a business suite appears on him.* I shall see you all in a bit!

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*Continues to bobble around on your shoulder*

Glad your so excited! Hope you enjoy yourself =)


Any way, time for me to get to a meeting for an hour or so. *Snaps fingers and a business suite appears on him.* I shall see you all in a bit!

Bye, looks at the champagne, no thanks

Don't like champagne

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* Foerender and lucius walk in the room carrying on a conversation filled with laughter *

The pair walk towards the coffee monolith

Foe - "man that was an awesome night"

Lucius - ...

Foe - That was so funny when you told that waiter if we dont have our drinks he would be hanging from a noose in less than 2 minutes 's "

Lucius- I wasn't joking ...

Foe- oh .... Well anyway the look on his face was priceless * laughes loudly *

Lucius- well duty calls .... Oh man those belles from lastnight are still at my place !

Foe-ewwwww I feel bad for those maids .

* lucius and foe go through a complex handshake which involves several in tune snaps , ending with hand explosions . Lucius pulls his coat straight clears his throat and exits *

Whats up room have I missed anything havnt had time to read the back log .

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