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Afternoon everyone, hope all is well on this cold snowy day. I want the snow to go away now though, my crutches don't work to well with it.

Painted up the post apocalyptic Wolsey and Louise from Hasslefree Miniatures last night and started applying paint to a few more minis to have as survivors and player characters in All Flesh (some people have been using proxies and these ones are more in character, plus one character actually looks like Velma from Scooby-Doo, lol). Hoping to finish them off later tonight.. Plus we have a new guy joining us playing a biker and already have a mini set aside to paint up for him to use. I am far to good to my players, but then I do put them through Hell in the games, hahaha.

Also ordered some Tartaros Terminators from Forge World to use as more Deathwing Knights, with luck they will arrive in a few days :)

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Wait, I see White Walkers now. I'll just step in to this police call box and report it...

~Disappears along with all of my girls and then returns a few minutes later but looking several months older~

Now I know how Bill & Ted felt at the end of Bogus Journey. Still, at least I can now speak 83 different languages and found out what really happened to that Roman legion that vanished. it was dinosaurs from space that ate 'em.

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Hmm, seems last nights disaster may be at least vaguely salvageable. The mould isn't great but I can probably pour the second half and try to get a cast out of it to use for myself and see how bad it is. Course, for any run of harpies it would have to be replaced, but that's a problem for a future point when I have all three!

How's everyone tonight?

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Vacuum pump didnt work well, a piece of kit snapped, and the silicon is about as pourable as setting PVA. All in all, a bit of a nightmare. But I think the bubbles are all in the back of the mould, so it may yet work...

You workin next week by the way shine?

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How was everyone's Friday night? I played a tag team brawl last night.

40ss, mixed factions, 2 players per side (20ss per player). Did an interesting way for initiative flips. Each side would switch between their "primary initiative" and then snake through. I was giving nicodem and his doggies a test run, helping our newest dreamer player learn the ropes vs Ramos and Zoraida (who had 4 models in her crew... Her, tuco, mature neph, and a voodoo doll).

Turn 3, I lost my partner because he had lost the twins and Chompy, left with dreamer and a stitched (still totally useful team, especially with all the negative Wp twists my doggies could pass out). So for turn 4, 5, and 6 it basically 40ss vs 20. I took out the mature neph with 3 dogs, summoned a flesh construct to take on an arachnid swarm, killed that with another dog, and started to work on the Steamborg Executioner. Turn 6, I lose initiative and the Hag,who has perfect line of sight to Nicodem uses Hex. flips a 6, cheats with a 13 of the suit he needs, soulstones and flips a 13, giving him a total of 33. I flip and fail to resist, and he strips me of my Reanimator Spell, so I concede.

I asked to see the hag's card when he went to do this, and totally missed the first part of the sentence that says, "target non-master". He was reading over it too lol. So we kept the game conceded, since it was 10 minutes to close.

Really fun game, and I enjoyed the fact that I was surviving a 2 on 1 assault and could have come back from it, considering that Ramos was down to the Executioner and a toolkit, and Zoraida had the voodoo doll (on his side of the board), her, and tuco who was almost dead.

And then I met up with some friends for drinks and catching up :) Hope you all had just as fun of a night.

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