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I see.

Though my first book is trying to keep things simple as far as character perspectives (by keeping the characters grouped together), the ones after are intended to be more like The Wire (large disconnected ensemble from all walks of life).

As a side project I'm thinking of working on my Black Joker Series - which would just be posted up on the forum - that'll be first person, Inquisitor style, with a lot less complexity (might be best to practice simplicity on another world).

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The Black Joker Series was my second idea for a Malifaux novel. It's pretty light hearted, in fact you could almost say it's the counter to the likes of Eisenhorn, since it revolves around the unluckiest band of misfits Malifaux has ever seen. Kinda like Firefly or Cowboy Bebop, but whereas they are lucky and badass, my characters... aren't.

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@LupusFerreus: Yeah my story won't feature known characters either, but will play around a lot with different races. As for plot and theme, I would start by thinking about the type of story you want to tell. Focusing on a faction or model helps there, as it gives you an idea of the kind of themes that fit; a story involving a fighter is going to be different from one involving a citizen. Since you're doing an audio drama, you'll need to take that into account, maybe go for something with a slower pace, so it's easier to follow. Horror and first person diary-esque stories seem most suitable, but it's up to you. Also, from personal experience, don't get too carried away with smarty-pant techniques and sub-meanings, focus on the telling a story first and reading it out to see how it flows.

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