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And like magic I appear to tell you the secrets to time travel: forward only and at one second a second!

I should re-read my pratchett. Still want the Unseen Library editions of the first...15 i think? I only have one but its so pretty. And yes my tanks are bright, I ran Slaaneshi marines. More sensations than sex! There's also eye-popping colour and ear splitting noise.

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You can, but you have to sacrifice several chickens and a couple of virgins to the dark god of televisuals...

Which I suggest you do, cos I want to play minionfaux!

It's a good thing I'm nether of those two things

I think the sacrifice of virgins is more a hollywood thing, heyooooo

*sees a puppet sharpening a knife*

Tell him that

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Yeah, my memory is selectively photographic. I couldn't tell you any of my family's birthdays or ages, but I can remember things I read as a kid and the lyrics to a wide range of songs *grin*

I am a repository of useless knowledge. Photography techniques, economics, computer science, math- all hazy. But I remember plenty of useless crap like music trivia and the Honeycomb jingle from back in the day. No one cares about commercial jingles from the 80s or the name of Bruce Dickinson's temporary replacement in Iron Maiden in the 90s, or why I think Jon Corabi gets unnecessary flak for his stint in Motley Crue (while it didn't adhere to their signature sound, it was a nice change of pace from Vince Neil's trademark mewling. While Vince was off solo, he was basically writing Motley Crue songs that would've been cut from the final album and having another band play them).

Sometimes I hate my brain.

Sadly I didn't get as much of my Dreadball stuff assembled as I had hoped. Probably going to do more on that tonight.

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Has anyone gotten a chance to play dreadball?

I've been going back and forth about picking it up... It looked interesting, but I didn't want to back the kickstarter because I felt that Mantic was just taking GW's stuff, and giving it a twist (for better or worse).

Though I'm itching to try blood bowl on the table top... Dreadball might be my way to go...

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Ah, but Dust, one day you'll face a great and terrible sphinx, and she will ask you and your companions a riddle, and that riddle will be 'what is the name of Bruce Dickinson's temporary replacement in Irom maiden'. And you can laugh and save the world...


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