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I'm good. Tired right now. Annoyed at how much time is left in the day with so little to do. Looking forward eagerly to the weekend. Hoping to see the Dropzone Commander rulebook show up in the mail today, but oh well.

Right now, watching some Babylon 5 as work is progressing. Elle's been very much a fan of the show, lol. Great show, with a lot of politics and intrigue.

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Heh, yeah. DzC is something that I'm only going to give any serious investment after playing it, and after Through the Breach has been paid for. Kingdom Death is pretty, but I have no interest in the game personally.

---------- Post added at 05:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 AM ----------

How's the building going?

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I think Dreadball has some strengths and weaknesses. The game itself is good, the rules are very fluid and the game is easy to pick up and play. The biggest down side is the model range, about 80% of the models look awful which is a shame. mantic are pretty renown for their lopsided sculpting skills though. They will release a race that is sculpted superbly, then follow it up with 3 or 4 that looks pathetic. I know a guy that is like the Henchman/Pressganger for Mantic and he himself thinks that many of the sculpts are poor at best :(

I am interested in the female team though, I may be picking those up.

Anyone seen any of the Relic Knights plastics? I must say that those look stupendous so far! Cannot wait to get my hands on the game.

Also had my Yule present to myself today, Zara Croft and Alice from Guild of Harmony. I only ordered them last Thursday, lol. How is it that companies in Australia can get things to me faster than Amazon.co.uk can?

Also, had part 2 of my All Flesh game yesterday and a unfortunate encounter wit ha Fresh Zombie (think the zombies from the Dawn of the Dead remake on steroids) has left a character with a broken leg, oops. Still, at least I fixed it so it is only a hairline fracture and not the compound fracture I had originally rolled up. This puts their main fighter on the injury list for the next month or 2. They do have a new party member (Martha, who is a lot like Velma from Scooby-Doo if you ask me) but she's another nerdy type leaving all the fighting to Ifan in the immediate future. Presently they are looking through a hospital for medicines and amazingly not encountered any more zombies yet. Of course, whether or not the entire hospital is safe is another matter ;)

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LOL at the Amazon comment, it is very true though!

Yeah, I cannot wait for my Bones stuff either. Damn that's gonna be a lot of minis when it arrives. I did opt in for the Sophie though and upgraded to the nude version, I just want to paint it up and maybe give it as a gift to a guy I know that likes his sexy female miniatures, heheh.

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Yeah but it was three huge models I'd probably never find a use for. I'm not good enough at painting that I'd want them just for display. So that money was spent elsewhere.

Admittedly, I didn't have the willpower to say no to the whole Bones kickstarter. As I'll probably have a hard time finding uses for most of the models in that. But I'll take the small victory in not spending more on extras.

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