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I have an emotional attachment to my Sherman V tanks... In my second demo game, the guy giving the demo switched out half this kid's Panzer 3Ms for a Tiger... I ONLY beat him because on one of the final turns he forgot about a Sherman I left sitting in a building, he drives out into a field, the Sherman hits twice, the kid rolls a 6 and a 1 on his armor roll, and I manage to roll the 3+ I needed to blow it up :)

I had to go with the Brits after that lol.

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Back from my family christmas! My girlfriend did indeed get me the Trinity Palace from the Blackwater Gultch range and it is one of the nicest kits I've ever had the pleasure of owning. Full colour instructions, each group of piece (left wall, roof, etc) are individually bagged and labelled and so far everything is snapping together perfectly, although Im still only the roof

But of course for the price I'd be a little upset if it wasnt the best kit ever

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