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I agree with with what she say whole heartedly, there is little reason for someone to own a functioning gun, outside army/police

I have to agree with this, and I am a gun owner. I enjoy target shooting but over the last few years things seem to be getting out of hand. I'd gladly give my gun up if it meant something like this was less likely to happen.

I'm not saying Gun control will solve everything, there is way more to it then that, but it can't hurt.

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I disagree that guns are the problem. Even if we did take away the guns,.. the criminals will still have them. And the whole point of allowing us to have guns, is so that we can defend ourselves from our government, should it become tyrannical and oppressive to its people. Some would argue that we are close to that already.

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But that then poses an interesting debate,.. do we have so many laws because we have so many criminals or do we have so many criminals because we have so many laws? If there weren't so many things to get busted for, would we have so many people be getting busted? You defend the current structure, while ignoring the mass incarceration of the people.

And why shouldn't I be allowed to defend myself from someone who's trying to do me harm, with the same level of lethalness with which he attempts to harm me.?

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But that then poses an interesting debate,.. do we have so many laws because we have so many criminals or do we have so many criminals because we have so many laws? If there weren't so many things to get busted for, would we have so many people be getting busted? You defend the current structure, while ignoring the mass incarceration of the people.

And why shouldn't I be allowed to defend myself from someone who's trying to do me harm, with the same level of lethalness with which he attempts to harm me.?

I don't even think it's an interesting debate. I think we as a society come into and create the laws we believe are best for preserving said society, and people transgress those laws for any number of reasons that cannot be buttoned up into simple wordplay.

The second part though, is the one I think most worth mulling over. I actually enjoy the equalizing effect technology has on a person's ability to defend themselves. It's not a perfect solution, however, and our crime level hasn't been abated by the presence of guns.

Finally, the 2nd Amendment is an obsolete concept. It's been obsolete since the tank.

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Try living in the country with feral and often dangerous animals that ruin your lively hood and kill your live stock, gun control in Australia is so tight it hurts. Guns are a tool, it is how people use them. Are we banning knives because stabbings are so common? The criminals still do have guns...but only the serious ones (usually).

On the up side it forced me to become awesome with a bow. Kill a tennis ball sized target at less than 50m every time.

Guns and gun control is an area of opinion that touches on personal beliefs and experiences. The problem is for the laws to match the needs of an increasingly complicated society.

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Then perhaps the solution isn't less guns, but more guns. What if every person were required to carry one? What happens to the crime rate when the bank robber realizes that not only is the clerk behind the counter armed, but so are all the people in line. I bet he thinks twice about it.

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But then the criminal gets dead,.. causing the crime rate to go down by 1 offender. Why blame the gun? Or even mental illness? Why can't it just be the "guys" fault?

No, a ****load of people at the bank get dead, too. Look, your example is just ludicrous. It's the worst kind of Libertarian fantasy, where every shootout ends with only the bad guys dead.

And it totally is the guy's fault... when it's the guy's fault. Treating violent crime as a game of Whack-a-Mole, instead of trying to treat the causes (mental illness, which is a tragically ignored epidemic in our country, poverty, etc) is a recipe for ensuring gun violence and gun crime continue.

But hey, it's just much more cathartic to imagine shooting a bad guy, right?

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Not if people are properly trained in the use of firearms. Our military for example, manage to fire in close quarters without killing each other

So now, in addition to insisting that everyone be armed, they have to devote the same amount of time to training with guns as the military/SWAT?

Seems to me we've got a better solution in the form of just about anything else.

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Nope, missed out on Star Wars this week. Sad about that, but priorities are important. I'll catch up next week. The nice thing is that we've been averaging a story a week, so I'll hopefully be able to just jump in for the session next week.

I currently have an essay and a half, with three hours to go. Chipper subject this one, dealing with eternal destiny and Christian theology, but I have more of an idea of what's going on with this topic than some of the others in the course because of my interest in apologetics.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

Ah, so an inspection. Why didn't you just say so? *wink*

Glad to hear it didn't cost much!

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