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Only had a half game with Misaki so far. But I can see TT being the third faction I use on a regular basis.

---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Neverborn: meh, I'll have a few more games with Lilith at some point. Not too bothered with the others.

Ressers: Not enough painted minis for either Seamus or Kirai

Outcasts: Von Schill is too OP to have fun with. Viks could be fun once in a while.

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yeah, had a think about what i will do crew wise..

I still will most likely get all guild stuff if they re-release it all in plastic..holding off until then and just kept Lady J.

I have Lilith for the Neverborn but not interested in the other borner masters.

May dabble with Colette if released in plastic.

Outcasts..meh...maybe Von schill.

But then will get all the Ten thunders stuff, so will have Lucas, Yan Lo, Mei feng, Jakob and Misaki eventually..

That should be plenty..and will take years lol, Wyrd still have to confirm they are re-releasing the older ones in plastic...haven't they?

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I own mostly Neverborn, though I'm spread through all the books lol. I own Pandora, Dreamer, their avatars, and Lynch.

Other than that, I have the boxes for Lady J, Nicodem, and the Viks... with Leveticus and Tina still in their boxes (though idk for how much longer) I played my first two games with Nicodem a few weeks ago, and they were really fun once I figured out how to keep him alive (I got hit with the dreamer bomb at the end of turn 1).

Not sure what faction I want to expand into.

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I own mostly Neverborn, though I'm spread through all the books lol. I own Pandora, Dreamer, their avatars, and Lynch.

Other than that, I have the boxes for Lady J, Nicodem, and the Viks... with Leveticus and Tina still in their boxes (though idk for how much longer) I played my first two games with Nicodem a few weeks ago, and they were really fun once I figured out how to keep him alive (I got hit with the dreamer bomb at the end of turn 1).

Not sure what faction I want to expand into.

Arcanists. You know you want to add to them!

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I'll say. Body rejecting your attempt at authority over it?

Yeah, it seems I no longer get the casting vote at meetings!

Looking at it, I've got one guild, two arcanist (well, one is kaeris), one neverborn, one ten thunder and two resser masters. Once yan lo and misaki arrive. I'm such a faction whore lol

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Well, I'll have three ten thunders masters, but two got counted in their usual factions. Otherwise, my spreadsheet that's supposed to guilt me into painting more and buying less gets really confusing lol

---------- Post added at 06:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

Enjoy the weekend steam!

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At the same time, the more Masters you play, the one you can loan out and teach new players.

This is quickly becoming my mentality about this situation... I've got a lot of more "advanced" masters. I'm thinking of picking up Seamus to be the second half of my demo crew vs. Lady J...

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