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I HAVE HOFFMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Also, I am about to drink my first cherry doctor pepper... Wish me luck!

Excellent! You have been Hoff'ed!

Excellent choice of soda by the way ;D I hope you enjoy the cherry KISS of Dr. Pepper Cherry.



Dont worry Foe, i'll look after it for you *bares teeth to thieves* come near the coffee you shall DIE!
*blinks from on top of his Coffee Monolith*

Getting intense down there... there is always more coffee =D

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I HAVE HOFFMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet.... I actually had a LOT of fun painting up his crew. Even if I did have to use more reds than usual (darn Guildies...)

Also, I am about to drink my first cherry doctor pepper... Wish me luck!

Ahh...Dr. Pepper. My favorite. (as I sit here and drink some diet Dr. P. ;) )

The 'Cherry' versions are pretty good. If you like regular Dr. Pepper, then you should like the cherry ones, as the regular version is cherry flavored to start with. The 'cherry' one is just more cherry-y, or cherry-ish, or cherry-ry...or...ah, you get it.

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* walks into kitchen stepping over crushed cyborg holding onto an empty coffee cup , winks and nods to Hayzel , pours a cup of coffee and debates weather he is going to take advantage of the day he took off and paint , play some dead nation .*

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hey guys *rubs eyes* my eyes are itchy :( I'll be in and out this morning... Have to help proctor an AP Exam... *gavomits* Anyone seen Abs lately... I'm starting to miss that Egghead...

*jumps onto your shoulder with his coffee* Ick, that sucks :/ *hands you a small bottle of eye drops*

Whats the Exam's subject? History?

Yeah I know, AB hasn't been around much with all the holidays he's had and time off etc. *looks around* Well... lets try this...




*Looks around quickly*

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it's Spanish... but apparently they can't train the other proctor to use the computers... so they asked me to do it *shrugs*

Ahhh I see...

Can't train them to use the computers.... interesting... computer deficient? Heh.



Como es su dia?

Tiene poco mas de cafe.

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Ahhh I see...

Can't train them to use the computers.... interesting... computer deficient? Heh.



Como es su dia?

erm.... no habla espaniol.... ><

Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutch aber nicht spanisch

Je parle un peu francais mais pas espagnol

but my day is okay... my allergies are bad today... for got my cold meds (though that isn't too bad yet)... but I may yet rue not wearing my contact lenses... *looks outside at the sun shining on the other side of the courtyard*

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erm.... no habla espaniol.... ><

Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutch aber nicht spanisch

Je parle un peu francais mais pas espagnol

but my day is okay... my allergies are bad today... for got my cold meds (though that isn't too bad yet)... but I may yet rue not wearing my contact lenses... *looks outside at the sun shining on the other side of the courtyard*

Heh, I don't really speak spanish I just know some old phrases from back in high school.

So you can speak Dutch and French? Nice. Sadly the online translators aren't behaving this morning so I don't know all you said up there XD

Blah allergies, I hear you on that. Freaking pollen is playing havoc with me in the morning so by the time I get to work my eyes are watery and my sinuses are as backed up as rush hour traffic ><.

Well... at least you have sunshine today =) Half of the sky down here is very dark... we are supposed to have rain for the next 4 days >< with possible thunder storms Wed.

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Heh, I don't really speak spanish I just know some old phrases from back in high school.

So you can speak Dutch and French? Nice. Sadly the online translators aren't behaving this morning so I don't know all you said up there XD

Not Dutch. German *giggles* and I said: I speak a little German, but not Spanish. I speak a little French, but not Spanish.

And I wore my glasses because it was supposed to be nasty out.... there are still really big dark clouds, so it might happen still....... we'll see.

Off to proctor the test!

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Not Dutch. German *giggles* and I said: I speak a little German, but not Spanish. I speak a little French, but not Spanish.

And I wore my glasses because it was supposed to be nasty out.... there are still really big dark clouds, so it might happen still....... we'll see.

Off to proctor the test!

Oh German lol. I'd love to actually learn German and Russian if I ever had the chance. =)

Well if Rain is coming my way... probably going to slide up further to you as well. Maybe you will get that Thunder Storm you've been jonesing for ;)

Have fun!

Stare at them while they take it and make them think you can see into their minds! Don't forget to loom over them from time to time ;)

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