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See when I get my model done, I don't plan to kickstart. I plan to carefully get the money together to cast it myself, and make sure each cast is spot on. Small quantities, high quality is the idea, and nothing that doesn't already exist will be sold!

---------- Post added at 02:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:53 AM ----------

Major difference being, that's actually practical for a tiny tiny operation. A massive printing and production job, not even remotely feasible to do it from own pockets!

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So, I think I should take a little time tonight to work out my character for Mako's campaign...

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

Ooh, my head is hammering. It's slowing down typing somewhat!

Just think, if you do end up buying one, you may be helping make me into a paramedic *grin*

So? After what you said about being a PhD, I'd contribute to the 'Help a Mako' fund!

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Heh, you know it's bad when the characters all exist before the GM builds the world properly!

...Apparently you've never seen any campaign I've run...I make up the world as I go along. The most memorable part of the first campaign I ran was how nuts they were. They decided to be mercenaries and bake cupcakes while waiting for a character who I told them wasn't going to be there for two weeks. It became really interesting when they went to a room and I decided they were interrupting a guy's shower and he showed up at the day sans clothes...

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Heh, unexpected nudity always makes things entertaining!

I just need to get an evening to decide who all the factions are, what they're up to, and what notable renegades/nutters are making it all messier. Then it's you guys problem to figure out what the heck is going on after that!

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Works for me, honestly.

Crap, you need dice to do this...well, go go dice app, I guess?

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

Reminds me, are you sticking with the stat generation out of the book, or are you going to change it? I know the ones I've played tend to be 4d6 take highest, while this one is a straight 3d6.

---------- Post added at 10:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 PM ----------

Nevermind, the dice were apparently with me on the 3d6 rolls... O.o

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Heh, the 3D6 gave Shine some amusing numbers so I stuck with them. Might add in sanity as 3D6 to deplete it if people start learning and using magic, but not sure yet.

This headache is getting worse, think I might have to abandon writing for the night and lose the last bits of my headway. 100 words above target at moment...

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Headaches are never good. Taken anything for them?

And I ended up with a low of 10, actually...was pretty surprised, honestly. Still not totally sure how I'm going to end up playing this character out...thinking a member of the Gentry who went looking for respect from the nobles by becoming a mercenary and learning fencing, so he could beat them at their own game in duels.

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Ah, shine got two 8s lol. So you did better than him! BackStory sounds good.

Not taken anything, I'm basically immune to most painkillers and I think it's just a combination of tired, caffeine and dehydration. Trying to drink lots of water while I finish this paragraph then going to go to bed before it gets worse.

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Definitely excited about it. Wish that there were a few lower end items available...I don't mind chipping in for the full blown thing, but I know that $60 is going to cause a lot of friends to balk at looking into it, whereas they might have been interested in just the Player's Guide. The idea of a communal Fate Deck, with each player having a hand of cards to manipulate it makes it sound like we're going to be looking at a Simple Number target system, rather than the 'player roll vs. DM roll' that I'm familiar with.

And the model kits just sound cool, lol.

What do you think so far?

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I'm still a bit apprehensive about a card based system, but it sounds like they went with an angle that I hadn't considered, so I am intrigued.

I like the idea that fate ever looms large over the players. I wont be caught dead calling myself a Fatemaster, however.

I'd really like to see some diversity in the art. They seem to have it all on the shoulders of a single artist, which means consistancy, but lacks in visual diversity.

I'm eager to throw the rules to my group, so I'm pleased that backing means access to playtest rules.

Tuesday hungers for the custom minis, neither of us really care for Hannah.

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Honestly, I'm not sure I'd have gone out of my way to get Hannah if it wasn't for the Kickstarter, but I'm not going to complain when I'm getting it anyway. The custom minis really sound awesome, hope that buying them separately won't be too expensive, because I'm betting I'll want to get additional kits.

And yeah...DM works fine as a title as far as I'm concerned. It will be interesting seeing what exactly the role will be in the overall gameplay.

Why are you apprehensive about a card based system?

---------- Post added at 12:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------

And...Christmas shopping completed! Ish.

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Ah, gotcha. So, where a die is the same probability every time, versus a deck where the probability of a particular thing goes up the more times you draw, right?

Yeah, and while two people facing off in a game of Malifaux usually don't get into the worst parts of it, an RPG needs ways for this to be managed.

I still wish Malifaux had a reset rule, where Jokers getting flipped or played caused a deck recycle.

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