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Afternoon all! I hope the Girls are behaving today.

~ Notices they're playing some video game~

Well that should at least keep them quiet. Also, what happened to that giant music box they built in here? And... why's there a 2nd tutu Monolith? Oh wait, that's the Miss Pack Monolith, the Girls must have put a tutu on it.

Ed, shame on you for not listing Zombie Tales among your favourite webcomics! It might not be running anymore, but it was fun :) I only seem to read Bricks of the Dead these days though, kind of went off reading webcomics for a long time since most of them went to silly even for me.

Mako, I soon get bored of projects so I tend to have a whole bunch of them on the go at once. Right now I am working no 2 Malifaux crews, Bolt Action Americans, some Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Chaos Marines, Orks (painted 2 Nobz yesterday meaning about 70 painted and about 250 to go Orks to go... plus the vehicles...), a Ork War Stage (think Goff Rokkers on a stage with working sound and lighting systems, lol), zombies for All Flesh Must Be Eaten and who knows what else. Oh yeah, also slowly working on some display pieces and painting a Warcaster for a gaming buddy (he loved the last one so much he's begged me to paint another). Needless to say, I have my plate full when it comes to hobbying. One day I may actually finish a single project, heh. Heck, not even all my Vampire Counts are painted, I still have 15 necromancers, 4 vampires and about 80 Grave Guard (or Wights as we called them back in the day) to paint from eons ago (they live in a box in my bedroom alongside many other unfinished projects such as that 200 model strong all metal Night Goblin unit I started painting about 20ish years ago).

Just don't get me started on my Penal Legion Squads, I have them half bought after starting to buy them at least 2 years ago now. At least Mystery Incarcerated is half finished, The Bash Street Kids is almost done (need to buy and paint 2 more) and the Mean Angels Gang has 1 model finished. Yeah, I am notorious for not sticking to a project. At least my Imperial Guard (non-Pebal legion at least) is finished with 160 painted Guard, 6 Chimeras and about 12 tanks. Hang on, I just remembered i have another 2 Hydras half converted, forget what I said about them being done. My Ork Tranzforma might be finished one of these decades too, I only started it about 4 or 5 years ago...

---------- Post added at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

Also, that's not a crow, it's a Jackdaw :P

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Yeah, they're from the SOE kill team range, Poppy and Tilly (you can get a set of Poppy's arms that are conveniently also good for Tilly, so I have that to give me two cute snipers)...

Perfect examples of mixing attractive and sensible.

Ah, very nice! I like those a lot. If Necromunda bothers to pick up again, might have to grab those.

I've been looking for a newer future skirmish game with campaign features like Necromunda's. Necro is fun, but it shows its age. Infinity looks excellent, but it's complex and AFAIK there are no advancement/experience/light RPG elements that make Necromunda so much more engaging. "You jerk- you captured my best brawler and I'm gonna come rescue him!" is a lot more compelling than "welp, ya beat me this game- next time I'll getcha." Unfortunately, my LGS is such that no one would stick with a Necromunda/Mordheim/Song of Blades and Heroes/whatever else campaign for very long...

You know I still see no picture .... weird must be blocked on my computer for some reason...

Your work has an aggressive photo filter like mine does *happy*

Shaper...that's just mean. Five?! I'd expect no less from a Neverborn though :-P

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I'm starting to run low on Malifaux models myself. I probably paint 3 - 5 models a night on my nights off and I'm starting to catch up to my back log. The new releases won't come fast enought and I've already painted most of the new plastic box sets.

I think the only way I'll ever be that productive is to do the quickest slapdash job possible.

Yeah...if I were to do a WWII game, I'd have to to a Red Skull Hydra force, just to break me out of having to do the historical accuracy gig (and be wrong, most likely).

I saw an idea for a German force of Jewish resistance fighters a la Inglourious Basterds a while back and decided I'd consider stealing that if I ever played a WWII game...or just play Russians.

If anyone wants to give my D&D character, Rabbi Steeleman, a cameo that'd be awesome. Who doesn't love robots who are also religious leaders?


There are bad, bad, BAD things you can do with a gentile warforged goyim

Um, if he's a gentile goyim, how is he also a rabbi? That's bubkes, mishugenah :-P

Aww, how can you hate the genius that is Huey Lewis? Lol

You can't. You can only try to tell yourself he isn't awesome.

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Never a truer word spoken! Especially the bubkes...

On a side note, I have yellow, woo! Turns out my totally cobbled together out of random rubbish experiment actually worked. Now I have to go back and do it properly and actually slightly accurately...

How's everyone else as we roll into the weekend?

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Long weekend, whoo!

Played Malifaux last night. Took 2 hours to go 4 1/2 turns. My friend who plays Arcanists still fears Nicodem even though I got exactly one Rigor Mortis off...I am shocked he didn't just try to bait and switch me.

I had Slaughter, Kill Protege, and Bodyguard- all or nothing, heh. He got Destroy the Evidence and took Sabotage. He clearly does not play Colette the way I read about, because I was expecting him to dance circles around me, nabbing all the points before I could even kill one model (Colette, Cassandra, and the Coryphee). I was able to just sit and let him come to me, using Belles to try to get cards out of his hand and disrupt his position, Necropunks to drop auto-slow on Cassandra (which he claims wrecked the game for him- I think he had plenty of opportunities to win, especially with Avatar Colette an action away), and a Crooked Man to, er, take one for the team. He did come back as a Punk Zombie though, haha.

One thing I think I have the feel for now is Nico's sphere of influence. The whole "bubble" thing. I had it working just like I wanted- my whole crew was Bolstered all game and he wasn't able to isolate and pick off anything.

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A combination of the two! No one else in the lab really has a clue whats going on with this stuff, and I have to do it several times and much more accurately, and a few other bits too, then can start writing it up to publish. Hopefully.

Speaking of writing, I'm barely halfway today and I'm struggling...

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