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Only because they were writing from a skewed perspective...because of who they worked for.

I could easily compare Magneto to Ramos. If you listen to the Guild's propaganda he is a villain. But I say he is a hero for the people! Just like Magneto is a hero....that's right, HERO, for all mutant-kind!


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I think I actually disagree.......I was only throwing Ramos out there for the comedic value...now that I really think about it, they're not alike at all. Ramos is a criminal...running the M&SU for his own nefarious purposes...conning the weak-minded masses of good working folk into furthering his own agenda and filling his pockets with SS.

Magneto never worked for himself. He tirelessly gave of himself for the rights and glory of mutants everywhere. Even when he advanced his position or gained power or wealth, it was only to improve his ability to battle for mutant-kind.

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I'm semi-serious. Magneto was best at his most altruistic. Many times his plans were to strengthen the position of mutant-kind...not necessarily himself. Several times he tried to create sovereign nations where mutants would be safe.

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

Although, Magnus (yes Magnus....I hate that they changed his name to Eric....no offence to any Wyrd Erics) always figured he would be the ruling body.

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Hey, people get passionate about their interests, no need to apologize.

I'd say that, based on what you've said, Magneto seems far more like an anti-villain than a true villain. His goals and his ideals aren't necessarily bad, but what he's willing to accept as collateral damage is terrifying.

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I guess you could consider the destruction of the entire human race pretty terrifying.......that would be acceptable collateral damage to Magneto...and something he has tried to bring about numerous time.

But yeah, he is definitely not a true villain. Just willing to do things for what he believes in that most people consider villainous.

Kinda like Godzilla.......sure he destroyed Tokyo a dozen times, but it was all for the good of the planet............nuclear power bad.

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Not bad. Work isn't too bad tonight, and I've been able to get a lot of schoolwork done up. Still have quite a bit to do, unfortunately, but that's alright, I'll survive it. So glad that this stupid class is almost over, just need to survive to the end of it... also working on writing the next scene for the novel. Got the chance to critique two of the Iron Quill entries from this round, one left and I'll be up to date with those. Got some good ones this time around! Also doing some research on tv.tropes. Nothing in particular, just browsing around to see if anything jumps out at me and catches Elle's attention.

---------- Post added at 01:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

What'd you get done for sculpting tonight?

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Ahh, the old muse coaxing. Always a laugh! Looking for something for the novel, or just anything that catches her eye?

---------- Post added at 06:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ----------

Not much sculpting, just a quick bit of troffin work. Should have the third one finished by the end of the week, and then I can finally sort out the arms for zippy. Bungle needs a spell in the oven before anything else gets done, but he just needs hands now too

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Oh, ultimately thoughts are always on the novel, lol. I've had very few tropes that I've liked that I couldn't fit into the novel. Incidentally, the theme of this Iron Quill round is one of those.

Almost done with the Gremlins, then? Awesome! After that, Judge, and then you've just got what...the 6mm and the Lucius?

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Well, the 6mm is such a massive task it's more of a constant back burner thing, when I'm in the mood I work on it but no sense rushing. There's Lucius, the death marsupials, the breach runners, and a shikome (eventually but no rush for that either!) to sculpt, then there's justice's crew, cark debts, kaeris and the showgirls to paint, and my diorama to do for April... Oh, and SPG and co potentially as well of course.

Still, one task at a time it all gets done, the gremlins are slowly closing in on finished, and about three minutes ago Sophie furnished me with a plan for the judge so I know what he'll be like now. The weekday evenings will be for sculpting I think while the light is poor, so hopefully progress will be made. I just have to avoid starting the judge until the two marshals are done!

---------- Post added at 07:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 AM ----------

Oh, and my quill entry will probably start being typed roughly this week at work, just so I can stop Sophie's twisted gory babbling in my ear!

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...(blinks slowly) Twisted gory babbling? This I have to see. Sophie is messed up enough as normal, what you consider out of the ordinary for her is bound to be interesting.

You have way too many projects, my friend! Two sets of death marshals (shakes head). Forgot about the marsupials...

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