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Oh bugger, not the dreaded chair again, I thought they'd lost the plans for that. Still, one day they will accept me as their ruler. Maybe. Or they'll finish me off, could go either way really!

Yeah, for the cost and effort of all that I could do several massive sculpts, and all my 6mm, and my breach runners, and have enough left over for next years nightmare editions!

---------- Post added at 05:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 AM ----------

Oh Sophie, at times I hate you so much. I don't need another clever/insane idea at the moment!

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Several other bits to go along with the 100mm composite demon thing I was planning. And the idea to do more massive 1/6 scale stuff. She's quite taken by the thought of these really impressive projects, the ones that take tons of time and effort.

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In lots of pain here Steam. So much so that I had to miss my doctors appointment this morning coz I can barely move. Then again, I also couldn't get a taxi. Currently waiting for them to call me back with a new appointment.

However, I have filled out my pledge manager for reaper Bones, disappointed international backers now have to wait until next year to get anything, but I can be patient. Still, I do want them all now dammit!

Also, anyone else disgusted at the prices of the new Chaos Codex and Horus Heresy FW book? I swore out loud when I saw them!

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Yeah, the prices are ridiculous, especially the Heresy book. Over a hundred dollars for a damn rulebook? Give me a break! I don't care if the thing is gold plated, it should be made out of lesser quality material. Sorry to hear you're in pain, Path, although it's good to see you're around still!

And morning everyone. This place has gone a wee bit wacky today. Dealing with some bizarre issues of missing serial numbers, took a bit to unravel.

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Sorry to hear you're not doing well (or even worse than usual).

Yeah, shame about the Bones but Neverborn and Ten Thunders will probably keep me busy until things like Sedition Wars or Dreadball arrive. And they in turn will keep me busy until Bones arrives. Plus theres already things of the other factions needing painting (and anything else I buy).

It seems weird not having a miniature kickstarter on the go. No new emails waiting each day with stretch goals met. My bank account is probably glad of it though.

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

Serial numbers? By "this place" do you mean work rather than here? I'm not a number, I am a free man!

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(Slaps a label reading "#358" on Steam's shoulder) Fixed now! I'm helping out the puppets, they're trying to keep track of us all. Got a great deal on some real estate in here for helping.

Yeah, I mean work, lol. Usual stupid crap going on. Still, almost done with work for the night!

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Ahhhhhhhhh, get it off.

Yeah, work is busy here too. Between that and archery club stuff I'm running out of time for anything else. Hopefully it will quiet down a bit.

I did another half an hour of assembling Ten Thunders this morning before work. Almost got the archers together. Kang was much easier.

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With KS I gave the Dreadball a miss in the end, I went with the Relic Knights since that was to good to pass up on and decided to wait for Dreadball since I know someone else I game with is planning to get it. I feel gutted that I missed out on the Sedition Wars KS, but other things needed to be bought at that time :( I did go in with the Studio Miniatures Zombies though, the company makes great minis and I cannot wait for those zombies. Plus, my All Flesh game should be starting up in a couple of months (taken long enough to get started though, hahaha).

I know how you feel with KS, I am sure my bank is liking me more these days.

Yeah, not doing so good these days, but I still get to go out and play Magic on Friday and Saturday each week and I have miniatures, xbox and dvds to keep me busy when I'm otherwise not reading.

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Good morning from the Canadian Block! I have wrenched myself from Borderlands 2 to get some actual work done as I'd really like to have a couple painted models for my thursday malifaux night. And consequently my friday malifaux afternoon at my other store.

But then the internet happened. Did you know it has funny animal pictures? Maybe just one more... *dies an old man who never did anything but see cats spelling poorly*

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Hi. I still have a whole afternoon of work before any Borderlands 2 can be played :(

The internet is a terrible place. Icanhazcheeseburger is just like TVtropes, you can't just go there for a quick look.

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------

Hmm, too many afternoons there. Looks odd. Let me change that.

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Good morning from the Canadian Block! I have wrenched myself from Borderlands 2 to get some actual work done as I'd really like to have a couple painted models for my thursday malifaux night. And consequently my friday malifaux afternoon at my other store.

But then the internet happened. Did you know it has funny animal pictures? Maybe just one more... *dies an old man who never did anything but see cats spelling poorly*

Wait, you have another store? *sob* I thought we were your only one!

*runs off crying hysterically*

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