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Umm. Hoping to get tired enough early enough to take a nap before I absolutely ruin my already screwed up sleep pattern. Got a game of Malifaux due up today, playing against Ramos. I'm thinking of either Rasputina or Seamus, not sure yet. After that, probably gonna spend the day getting my butt kicked at Clix.

In the meantime, going to do some school reading, and then maybe, maybe, Elle will show up so I can write.

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The Reaper Bones kickstarter is only hours from ending and I couldn't resist that Undead Dragon any longer so picked that up too (I have uses that that model). Wish I could add more add-ons as well but maxed out on what I can spend for now :(

What's this about horror movies? I'm a lifelong horror fanatic :)

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Morning all. I think it's morning anyway. I really don't have a clue. It's stupidly hot and bright so I per it's at least daytime...

But on the bright side, my 'borrowed' desk chair from work will dry quick after I cleaned it!

I think today is a day for venturing to the art store.

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Heh, I did hear that relic models were a pain in the proverbial.

What games you got on the table today? I got the urge to play hero quest last night, it's been a long time since I had that!

I think tonight will be a balancing act between getting on with sculpting, and trying not to pass out as this clear resin I poured earlier cures. I wish I had more than just my bedroom to work in, in my old flat in England I'd have stuck it in the bathroom, opened the window and shut the door. Here, it's just this room. And it reeks...

But I might pop up some photos today or tomorrow of the latest progress. And who knows, maye someone will reply to the Toronto Inbound thread where I asked if anyone would like me to try and sort out some casual events!

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Pain in the proverbial is an understatement.... they are a freaking nightmare.

You can always pop to NZ and play Heroquest with me Mako got the Game and four expansions, but have not played it for years.

As for Club finally playing my Super Dungeon Explore and more importantly probably picking up my Book 4.

Hey Ed how is it all going with you?

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Oh, not bad. Didn't get in a game of Malifaux after all, the other player didn't show up. Won for the first time in Heroclix! Bane broke Batman's back to end the game, found that appropriate, lol. Got a couple games of Battletech planned for next week, including a possible 12 mech match, which should be fun...Haven't played a Company before. And we've got a Malifaux Open Day in two weeks at the shop, along with traveling to support another Henchman about an hour away and play in a tournament. (crosses fingers for Gencon order to show up ahead of time)

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Wow, it's all going on down there! Maybe I should sneak across the border, nothing seems to happen here in Malifaux.

And don't tempt me to bunk off work to play Hero quest. Maybe I can find a conference in NZ that I can get paid to go to though *wink*

You don't see man of those quest type board games these days, do you? I don't recall hearing of any, although that could just be me not paying attention.

Good to hear class reading is still interesting too, Ed!

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Ah yes, the old lack of players problem. Always a bugger, that one.

My bedroom stinks of resin, which doesn't bode well since this blasted thing will need like 5 layers. Best do it one per week I think. Other than that, sculpting trundles along steadily, work is actually starting to have work to do in it, which is nice, and I was planning to try and arrange a little tournament here to get the Malifaux lot together, but it doesn't seem to have got anyone's interest.

Oh, and I now have two game designs in my head (thanks for that Sophie, you ADHD thing!). But I'm trying to keep my currently running project list under control, so one is on ice for now. (That, and having seen how people act to games designers and companies, would I want to expose myself to it?!)

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