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No idea, but hopefully you will! I will say, seeing Izamu has me rethinking how I want to do my Gencon purchases...good thing my finances are working out better, cause I might have to get the Ten Thunders and Resser stuff.

So, the first day of the conference was great. Looking forward to round two in an hour and a half!

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~Bursts in to the thread with my Girls, all of his singing Delilah very loudly~

Now, who's been bad mouthing the Rugby?!

~Notices the ale monolith and forgets all about the Rugby~

I really want the new book. I wonder how much postage will be.

It was $35 shipping for my order with the book last year. Without it it, shiipping would have been only $16.

Like ABs I'm a little disappointed that there's been of sign of any Guild goodies (apart from the special ed. models) or new Showgirls (though beckoners can be used as Performers, but it's not the same) I will happily be picking up the Ten Thunders stuff, but tha tRail Golem still looks mighty tempting.

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Yeah. If I wasn't so much of a fluff junkie, I'd be waiting, but I'm a sucker for good writing. They need to put up the rest of the factions though, Guild and Ressers are waiting on their new releases.

And day two begins...now. Woot! Here's to see if I can leverage any of the learning for Henching...I've got a couple different ideas of stuff I want to do, and questions I need to ask. Good thing I got that writing update done yesterday, cause I'm definitely not getting any done today o.o

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Wasn't there mention that the main storyline wasn't actually in the book, that they'd split it off and just had character fluff in there?

Which has made it a little easier on me to not get the book until later. Lucky really, I'm having decision problems!

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Not having the main storyline continue in book 4 is what really clinched it for me in waiting for regular release instea of picking it up over Gencon. I just means I get more toys to play with instead for the meantime.

Definitely picking up those Oiran now... though I was gonna pick some up anyway for the Ten Thunders crew. More Showgirls, you just cannot go wrong :)

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As badass as Izamu is, I think Burt is my favorite of the preview models. How can you not love Gremlin Jack Burton?

It's evil...Evil Baby Orphanage, Reaper Bones, and now Relic Knights and a relaunch of Shadowfist? I really need to stop looking at Kickstarter.

My friend and I are going in on EBO, and we're debating on the Bones project because $100 gets over 100 minis including an exclusive of their mascot. A huge dungeon's worth of fantasy figs for less than a buck each is hard to resist...and they've got 15 days to go.

I'm going to be tapped out from September until Christmas, I think...at least I'll have plenty of stuff to put together.

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Kickstarter is evil, I'm staying far away from it. It's bad enough with gencon arriving while I'm merrily paying tons of money to set up my life here, I don't need any extra bankruptcy ideas!

Also, I've just discovered it can, and does, rain in Toronto. Turns out it can rain pretty heavily. Which made my half hour walk no less pleasant, but I've had to stop home to dry off and change before going back to work!

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Yeah, it's downpouring here...went out for lunch from the conference, came back and got absolutely drenched. Three more speakers to go, and they look like they're going to be good ones. Also won a copy of the 2005 conference, so even more to learn from! Woot! How's the first week of work, Mako?

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

Yeah, that's why I don't think Dropzone Commander is going to start up here, the only real interest is coming from me and the 40k lead organizer, lol. Too many things to promote already!

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Yeah, me too. I've learned a lot, and there's still a lot more to learn. Quite glad I picked up the audio downloads for everything and three of the books. Definitely got some ideas to work through, about life in general, and even some thoughts about how to approach the local gaming club. Hopefully I can leverage this quick enough before the cynicism that fills a lot of the club kills it...

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