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Sorry to hear that, Steam. I haven't paid too much attention to the Olympics as a whole myself, I watch it while it's on, but I don't go out of my way for it. Still, I did see the GB women get gold in rowing, so congrats for that to them!

And I would definitely recommend giving Battletech a try, Monkey. I'd recommend sticking to 3025 for learning the game, things get massively more powerful once the Clans show up, which isn't too bad, but does get kinda crazy when you use points. Two Clan heavies against twice that many Inner Sphere heavies is a bit of an odd match, but the points work out so that it's balanced.

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Looking forward to seeing you finish them! Spirits next, right?

---------- Post added at 04:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:33 AM ----------

And I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think of it, Monkey! They're working on a free to play version of the board game for online that's turn based, would be fun to do a game with you if it works well.

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http://mwtactics.com/ That's the game, Monkey. It's still in closed Beta right now, but if it's anything like the board game, it'll be sweet. What I've heard is that you issue orders to your units, selecting targets, how far they move, etc, and then the computer does the calculations for shots, hits, damage, and there's a live action cutscene showing the turn happening simultaneously.

---------- Post added at 04:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM ----------

Any primary colors you've been using a lot of? Cause I think a pale blue/grey, little more blue than space wolves, might be a good starting point.

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Only the seishin (or however it's spelt) and even that will have highlights. I might even chop it up and have it passing through a lamp post so I could make a lighter trail in the bits that have just gone through a solid object.

The others will be painted more like living types with different coloured clothes.

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I do want both of those crews, I just hope the Ten Thunders box will be available for Gencon, some really beautiful looking models in that crew and the one I definitely want more out of thepair.

I mostly want the Rail Golem fomrthe Rail Crew, I'll name it Ivor (look up Ivor the Engine if people dunno the reference).

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lol..I'm waiting to see the guild releases first so i know how much more i need to add to get Miss terious!

---------- Post added at 03:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 PM ----------

I do like the rail crew though....and the neverborn one looks ...weird...

like the beckoners..showgirls anyone?

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