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Morning all! I haven't bowled in ages either. And I'm with you guys, it's not about the score, it's about flinging the ball with enthusiasm and style!

Oh, and I do sleep. Sometimes. When the planets align just right. *wink*

I want to sculpt, but my kit is in the bottom of a suitcase and I have a car to clean, and boxes to pack (last one though I think!)

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Just do what I did .... decide to paint an army NMM, go... Ooo Grey Knights!

Had to learn pretty quick.... :)

O.O You're insane, lol. NMM Grey Knights? And an army of them? Yeah, I guess that would be a way to get some crash course proficiency in the technique!

---------- Post added at 05:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 AM ----------

Wait I wrote a story ?

Unless there's a different Mister Monkey who wrote a story called In the Dark...yes.

---------- Post added at 05:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 AM ----------

Mako, stop trying to sculpt, start laying out bear traps for the muse! You've got a week to write 1500 words, I can do that in a couple hours. Go man, go! (cracks whip)

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Hmm must of been while I was sick dont remember much of that :)

Yeah the Grey Knights were an interesting time, there was a club who used to clean up at tournaments at pretty much everything 40k so I decided to try rob them of an award so I went for painting (as I cant play worth a damn:) )

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Hmm must of been while I was sick dont remember much of that :)

Yeah the Grey Knights were an interesting time, there was a club who used to clean up at tournaments at pretty much everything 40k so I decided to try rob them of an award so I went for painting (as I cant play worth a damn:) )

You wrote a story while you were sick and forgot about it? o.O Now you're just pulling my leg.

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Well played sir, well played.

---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 AM ----------

And...done! Great story Monkey! And now I'm all caught up on feedback for this round! Woot!

---------- Post added at 05:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 AM ----------

Hey Steam, found this for you: The Making of Magmatrax

That was the first painting article I read that really got me exploring a different way of painting, and years later I owe the maker of that model a lot as a painter, he really helped to nurture the love I have for this aspect of the hobby.

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But last time I tried to trap her, it went badly wrong. Really, really wrong...

She's a tricky one, my muse. And prone to switching from mischief to downright evil if I try to push it!

But I've written twelve words, if that's any help.

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Honestly, that's what I like about the Magmatrax tutorial, it takes you through all of the steps and explains what's going on and why you're doing it. It's been a few years since I last read it, I'm glad to be revisiting it, although I won't be using any of the techniques on my Renegades and CSM, that color scheme is set. Might try messing around with some of these on any Ten Thunders I pick up from the Gencon sale, though.

And Mako, I do know what you mean, lol. My muse can be like that too. Still, twelve words is a start! I just would hate to see you DNF, that's all.

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Well, if I can coax her into doing a little bit, often she forgets to sulk about being forced to start and gets interested. Honestly, attention span of a kitten.

I might do a little note on the basics of painting, and how they turn into the more advanced techniques, at some point. Almost like a conversion table from simple methods to the advanced stuff (and how to fake it of course!). List the techniques, how to get them basically right, and the things to watch out for and to fiddle with to find your own best method. There's a bit of a lack of middle ground tutorials on the web, they're often either dead simple or really advanced. I do try for the middle, but it would probably be handy to have a guide for the tricks of the trade perhaps?

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Morning, evening, afternoon etc...

Hows things?

Edonil, this feedback for the Iron Quill thing..is it a necessity we leave feedback on EVERY submission, or is it that we just have to leave some feedback..short on time for a week now, but should be able to read them all before the voting starts lol!

And bowling..I rock on the Wii!

In real life, not so much..but i have got a few strikes...

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Yeah, I've spent a fair while learning what the thinning agents do, they make my life so much easier in many ways but they take some getting used to!

I guess i'm lucky that I'm not a world class painter, but I do have the top dogs telling me what I'm doing wrong. So I get really top end advice, but understand it in a mid range way!

When I eventually get my painting kit back in my hands, I might well sit down and do a load of testing on how each one I use affects paints, and take pictures. That way it should become clear how to get the paint behaviour you need. Also what happens when you put a certain amount of paint on your brush (too much, too little, that kind of thing). All the bits that kind of get overlooked in guides (including mine I suspect, though I do try to mention it regularly!)

That will be months away though...

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ----------

Also, that pic of Eric's before and after is staggering. That's got to be the clearest display of look and learn I've ever seen!

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It's the only one I've done. But so many bonus figures. *drool*

's'why I ponied up so much for the Mantic one. Getting about 70% more stuff than what I paid for, and surprise boxes next year, too. A couple more weeks and I'll have my undead legion and my friend her orc hordes.

I don't think Reaper really has a game they design for. They just make miniatures and RPGers and Painters snag them.

They have a few games, and reviews have actually been pretty solid. Warlord sounds like a good skirmish game. It's just that they don't promote their games all that much.

I dont but people link to it .... bad people.... :)

I made no promises to the contrary, hahahaha.

Crappy, lol. Yeah, if it was a cannon that'd work, but the vehicle thing doesn't really fit...ah well.

This kit comes with both the self-propelled tread base and a stationary base: http://www.manticgames.com/Shop-Home/Advance-Orders/Advanced-Orders-Warpath/Product/Forge-Father-Surtr-Heavy-Heat-Cannon.html

$25 bucks and it makes one of each- one on treads and one on platform.

But I've written twelve words, if that's any help.

Let me guess: "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times." :-P

I am not that good a painter. I can stay within the lines but I am not anywhere near as good as many of the folks here. I'm hoping to finish my Rasputina starter soon so I can get my lumps, er, get some feedback.

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Hehe, "naff." I like that word. I remember reading a book about the world's worst cars- there was a Cadillac that was loaded with "naff gadgets." I and my then-girlfriend thought that'd be a great band name, and if I ever had a band that could open for They Might Be Giants I'd probably call it that.

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I've now written About 600 words. And they're, well, quite naff. I really don't know if I can fix it. Might have to ponder it in my usual creative time - stupid hours in the morning!

Shoot it to me, I'll be your sound board, maybe I can help you with it.

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

How are you doing, Dustcrusher? Making progress on your painting?

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