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Nice idea, I still have the old Patriarch models knocking about, but something like that would work. When the Varghulf first came out the first thing I thought was "patriarch conversion" but the newer plastic kits would make it much easier than crapcast :P

---------- Post added at 01:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

Good thing Fell's not abut with all the GW talk these days, she'd be throwing stuff at us again, lol. Where is she thse days anyway? Not seen her post in ages.

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Hey Mako, I'm good thanks, hope all is well with you.

Ed, I'll let you know when I've had a good nose at the rules. Nids get no allies so not happy with that, I was hoping to finally fix the issue of there being no Stealer cults in the game these days. But if people allow it in friendly games then I won't be to bothered :P

Screw the "official" rules, I'd allow a Genestealer Cult like Mills Lane on Celebrity Deathmatch, just like I'd allow people to use Ambulls and Zoats as proxies.

Hopefully my Pride of Lions starter will be in soon. There are so many cool gaming-related things coming out in the next month or two and not enough time (or money) for all of it. I'm probably going to have to pass on the Collector's Edition Over the Edge rulebook :(

Dragoncon's gonna hurt this year, money-wise...

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I am trying to cut back on how much I'm spending on gaming these days. I don't really need anything for 40k in regards to miniatures unless I start another army, I already have about 80 points of Cryx for WM (about 40 points still needs assembling and painting though) and 9 completed crews for Malifaux. I won't bother mentioning Warmaster, Micro Armour and so on though, lol.

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Oh lord, these Leonines are going to be hard to paint...and in the true spirit of cutting myself off, I added one more set of Ogres to my Kings of War Kickstarter order, and my friend got some Abyssal Dwarf Immortal Guard.

I've truly lost what scraps of sanity remained...

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Well, I read through much of the new 40k rules yesterday and I must admit... I would like them. Most of the horror stories and dire changes turned out to be just rumours and what we have is a fun book. Of course, being able to throw grenades again means my Orks will be packing them all the time now. What's not to love about 30 Orks lobbing grenades up to 8" away then having them scatter with BS2? It's far to much fun!

What I most pleased to see in the new edition though is that they have done away with Wound Allocation and also cleaned up all those so-called universal special rules form 5th edition by expanding them to encompass just about everything that's already in the game (and the rulebook also features the Gunfighter rule, which only 1 model in the game has right now if he is even still in the game!).

Needless to say, I am well impressed, but not seen the psychic rules and powers yet. However, it does show that Ward did not get his hands n this one at all!

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Ugh. Getting home at 4am and then after two hours sleep heading back to the flat to clean it for tenants to view it is not fun. On the bright side, one of them has taken it, so my first major financial crisis is solved!

Good news about the 40k rules, I don't touch it but I know several people that were waiting in the hope that Ward had been kept as far away from it as possible!

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Sadly, only one model per unit may throw a genade.

yeah, sadly I noticed that after a posted, lol. Still, it's nice to be able to throw grenades again, plus the new Rage rule isahuge improvement and makes some units move viable (plus Beasts are awesome now).

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wotcha...god this thread has gone slow...

Sorry havent been around for a couple of weeks..holidays and what not..

and I am waiting for my copy of the 40k rules to check that my Raven Guard and White Scars havent been flunked...they are fluffy armies so if these particular units have lost their effectiveness i'm screwed lol!

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Jump infantry and bikes both got a bit of a boost, from what I remember, so you should be good to go, Abs.

My Thousand Sons, on the other hand, lost one of the things that made them good, cause everyone got their ability to shoot a single shot at maximum range with Rapid Fire. :P hopefully that gets fixed.

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Grrr... Hate the doctors today, they rescheduled my appointment to the 12th and I can barely move form the agony in the spine now. if it gets any worse I won't be able to move at all...

I have to go to the doctor to have my back checked out today. I am hoping it's just a pinched nerve or something- I've been having shooting pains here and there including a bad one last night.

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My medical issues with my feet and back have cropped up in the past year or two. So far they've been just bad enough to get in my way without being really serious. I don't have anything too horrible so I try not to complain too much- for the most part I've been very lucky (I have never broken a bone, for example).

Hopefully your doctors will be able to get you squared away quickly.

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Hopefully. Time to catch up on anime and gaming plus I can access my gym again now that it's no longer being used as storage for his crap.

I still don't have enough free time for everything but at least I can use it for whatever I want.

What's new on your side of the pond?

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Two new classes, finishing the first two. Started painting my thousand sons army, got four marines and a heavy weapon team painted, with a berserker ogryn halfway. Need to figure out the way I'm painting flesh for them. I'm thinking something unhealthy. Get tonight off, so going to split the new free time between writing, painting and school.

And trying to figure out how to ask a girl out, cause I'm a glutton for punishment apparently. 7 and 0 for the past six years, but still trying to see if eighth's the charm, lol.

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