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Morning all!

What's this about the girls stealing your home Chocobo? I'll see about that now!

~Calls the girls and they come out looking and acting all innocent, I give them a good telling off leaving them all (fake) teary~

Yeah, and never do that again! Hang on... there's only 4 of you, I left 15 of you here yesterday...

~Looks around and spots the other 11 having a Teddy Bear Picnic with Neverborn teddies~

Somehow I don't think this is going to end well.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

But, on a more positive note, I painted Pandora and 3 Sorrows yesterday :)

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Being Productive

So I've been thinking, if it's possible for a Henchmen to cost 2 points

Joseph Watts

Outcast Henchmen

30mm Soulstone cost 2

Henchmen 12, Construct, Mechanical Dove, Arcanist, MS&U, Special Forces (Rogue Constructs)

Wk/Cg 10/- Ht 1 Wp 6 Ca 4 Df 6 Wd 5



Rogue Leader - The model may hire any Guild constructs or Arcanist constructs without Frozen or Smoldering heart. This model can be hire by Ramos

Flock Leader - This model may hire any number of mechanical Doves, these Mechanical Dove's hired by this model lose the totem Characteristic


Soulstone infused - Any Construct within 3" gains Use Soulstone. Any Construct with 6" casting a spell may draw LOS and Range from this model instead


(1) Soulstone Flames

(CC:10/Rst: Df/Rg:6)

1/2/2. Blasts from this spell use 40mm bases and generate a damage 0/1/1. these blast are made from 30mm bases

following this up with

Iron Liz

Outcast Totem 50mmbase

Construct, Guild, Peacekeeper, Knightmare, totem (Joseph Watts) Special Forces (Rogue Constructs) cost 15

Wk/Cg 5/8 Ht 4 Wp 6 Ca 4 Df 4 Wd 12

Paired Mechical claws

Rg :melee 3

Cb 7 :rams

Dg 3/4/6



Armour 2


Terrifying -> 13

Nightmare Engine: When this model dies is generates three scrap counters and one corpse counter

Tyrant powered: if a friendly Joseph Watts dies, fully heal that model and place it in base to base contact with this model. When this model dies, you may replace a friendly peacekeeper with this model then heal this model by the number of Wd the peacekeeper had


(+1) Relentless

(2) Flurry

(2) Diving attack

(0) Lost Dreams: Summon a Woe of Lost Dreams


two pairs this model has :+fate:+fate to Paired Mechical claws strikes


Cb (:rams) [Paired Mechical claws] Critical strike


(1) Menace


(1) Magical Extension

Final Part :D

Woe of Lost Dreams

Neverborn Minion 30mm base

Family, Construct, Woe, spirit, Special Forces (Rogue Constructs) Rare 3

Wk/Cg 4/6 Ht 2 Wp 5 Ca 5 Df 4 Wd 4 cost 3


Rg :ranged *

Cb 5:rams

Dg 1/2/3


Affinity [Perdita]

Evasive +1


Ever vigilant : This model gains +2:+fate:RamsCb to peacebringer strikes made outside it's activation

Relay Orders This model gains +3Ca when casting Obey made outside it's activation and an additional +3 Ca when targeting friendly models

Weapon [PeaceBringer] Duels make with weapon are made with a Wp -> Wp duel


Cb (:rams) Critical strike [PeaceBringer]

Ca (:rams) Understood [Obey] This trigger can only be outside this model's activation, this model may preform a (1) action or charge


(0) Quick Draw


(1) Obey


---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

Morning all!

What's this about the girls stealing your home Chocobo? I'll see about that now!

~Calls the girls and they come out looking and acting all innocent, I give them a good telling off leaving them all (fake) teary~

Yeah, and never do that again! Hang on... there's only 4 of you, I left 15 of you here yesterday...

~Looks around and spots the other 11 having a Teddy Bear Picnic with Neverborn teddies~

Somehow I don't think this is going to end well.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

But, on a more positive note, I painted Pandora and 3 Sorrows yesterday :)

Thanks path *walks into his tree house to find it painted pink and filled with My little pony stuff

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Chocobo, I think the My Little Ponies are from Iron Liz, the Girls are into Bleeding Edge Goth dolls ;)

Also, those crew entries are very cool :) I think we'll need one for Gothic Showgirls one of these days (no pressure, lol).

Edonil, when it comes to horror, I tend to build tension over action. I let paranoia play on the gamers and move things along with lots of false starts. Like they will hear things, see shadows moving, get them really riled up and expecting something, then it turns out that there's nothing there, then when they least expect it I throw something against them.

So let's say the group find their ship is losing power (the alien has accidentally destroyed many power conduits on it's journey through the ship) and they now have to rely on the (much darker) emergency lighting. This means a few things, they can#'t see so well, something could easily get close without them knowing and there are many blind corners that the creature could be lurking behind, plus there are vents, ducts and shafts for people to be dragged up, down and in to without warning. That can play on the minds of players far better than something they can see :)

I did run a bunch of loose (AKA - non-campaign) adventures in Eternity and in one a alien did get on board their ship and started killing the crew, I based it heavily on things like Alien, Event Horizon, The Sphere, etc. for the paranoia elements. basically other members of the crew would go missing or they would turn up dead and the players would be trying to track the thing down (and it could avoid internal ship sensors by using ventilation systems, etc) and sending people in to those would be sending them on suicide missions (the thing was quite nasty). In the end they lured it out by cutting off parts of the ship with bulkheads and depressurising those areas until there was only 1 place left for it to go where they were with a bunch of armed crew members to fight it out and take the thing down once and for all. The rest were all more high sci-fi/space opera adventures.

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I collect BeGoths, currently I have all the 12" dolls except Evening Storm (the one from series 3 that looks like Morticia Addams, had the chance to get her once, but really couldn't afford it so I left it in favour of buying food, lol) and a few form the last 2 series. I also have about half of the 7" figures and all of the comics. Sadly I just had to pack many of them away to clear up about half a wall for more shelves to put books on.

I've never been a fan of Living Dead Dolls though, they didn't really appeal to me and after about series 4 they seemed to lose much of the imagination :(

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I collect BeGoths, currently I have all the 12" dolls except Evening Storm (the one from series 3 that looks like Morticia Addams, had the chance to get her once, but really couldn't afford it so I left it in favour of buying food, lol) and a few form the last 2 series. I also have about half of the 7" figures and all of the comics. Sadly I just had to pack many of them away to clear up about half a wall for more shelves to put books on.

I've never been a fan of Living Dead Dolls though, they didn't really appeal to me and after about series 4 they seemed to lose much of the imagination :(

I just checked and we've got 18 of the Begoths and we do have Evening Storm hehe...

I haven't seen any come up in years tho... I don't think they are doing them anymore. As for the 7" ones I have the Rare version of what Abby had on NCIS. I can't remember his name atm.

We've got close to 70 LDD's but we're picking and choosing. I started with Kitty from Series 2 of those but if you didn't know about a month ago they rereleased series 1 so we picked those up.

My Fav is still Edward Sissorhands!

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I have a bunch of alternatives, some of the clear 7" a very rare Princess Ai that was exclusive to some convention over in Japan (I love having a friend out there that gets me cool things!) and other stuff.

Oh, I just found Starstore again and they had.... Evening Storm! Just snapped her up for £18 plus postage so I'm happy. beat the price of the unboxed one on Aussie Ebay that was going for $260 AUD! Starstore have plenty of the various dolls as well if you're after more, bu I think they lack any of series 1 :( Still Evening Storm has always been my favourite and i finally got my hands on her, she'll have to go up on the wall... I guess that means the Slayer Storm in alt. colours will be coming down (not taking down the other Storms!) to make space for her.

I also think Bleeding Edge may not be in business anymore as they no longer have a website or anything showing a presence online. I know they were struggling for a bit, but they were doing better again, I guess it was to early to hope and things went bad again :( Shame really as they did some really nice things and it certainly explains the prices some are charging for the dolls these days!

---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 PM ----------

Oops, that site does have series 1 BeGoths and only £20 each! I think I'll be ordering more from them over time to finish the collection since prices as a whole are pretty good. Shame they lack most of the 7" ones I need though :(

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They do some in red....



(Give her a corset and leather trousers, do the rest of her hair red, a blindfold and big sword and you can have a BeGoths Lday J!)


(This one was a alternate colour scheme though)

Evening Storm (O Misery) is still my fave though...


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Morning all! Or is it afternoon... Wait, what day is it now?

I don't like travelling for three days just to spend one day somewhere. Especially when that day is entirely full of meetings, presentations, and trying to impress someone I want to give me a job!

Still, no work the rest of this week so the brushes can come out. I may even finish Something!

How's everyone else?

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Afternoon Mako, and it's Wednesday all day today.

I'm doing better today, no back spasms so that's a great improvement if you ask me. However, it seems the thread has been taken over by the Gothic Showgirls' BeGoths collection ;)

And yes, I did have to check what day it was, no matter what day it is it's rarely important for me to know, lol!

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Afternoon Doll lovers! :)

Just woke up and have begun my 5 days off, woooooooooop! Will make sure theres some hobby time ahead and need to work on my Death Korps and a newly acquired Leman Russ tank with a FW turret ;)

---------- Post added at 02:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Hows you guys?

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I think everyone will be clamoring for the limited edition Hanged Gothic Showgirl #66, she will come with noose, 2 heads (one of them alive the other dead with big purple tongue hanging out) and a assortment of nasty looking devices and tools she used to torture her victims.

Oh, and let's not forget the collection lot for the Gothic Showgirls which will contain #7, #13, #22, #29, #34 and the very rare #99 which is only available in that pack (the others will also be available separately). Plus they will come with the regular gothic showgirl attire plus Teddy, Cheerleader, Anime Cosplay, D&D (chainmail bikinis) and Fairy costumes! All for the super low price for £199!!!

Hatchet will come with a trapdoor.

Sketch with be a giant grinning teddy holding it's head that can be reposed to show him pulling his head off, oh and the mouth can be opened (plus the box comes wit ha scared little kid and a pair of legs belonging to said kid so they can be left hanging out of the open mouth).

ABs, you'll have to come with lots of Guild sanctioned equipment and a mold for people to make their own Miss Pack minis (lol)... and maybe some clothes for crossdressing :P

Fell gets Guild goodies, plus a barrel of Guild Rum.

Silver Chocobo will have bird cage and a pack of blank cards for people to make their own rules for Malifaux models on..

I'll come with Gothic Showgirl #50.

Edonil's doll with be invisible to fit his presence on here (lol).

Regnak will be a Gremlin with a giant blunderbuss and a pigapult!

PLus there will be playsets, one that will contain all of the Monoliths with actual exploding action for when things go wrong!

My Gods, Wyrd could really cash in on this thread if they wanted to :)

Finally, every doll pack comes with a packet of Malifaux brand chocolate cookies!

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

Killing thread in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2....

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