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So, question. Has anybody played Battlelore or another Command & Colours game? Kinda thinking of getting Battlelore 2nd Edition...

Seen it before, but never seen it played. 

Related note: Benshin and I finally got our lazy friends to come around and do Battletech box draft with the starter set. Benshin was incredibly catty about the whole thing in Facebook chat ;)

I have heard good reviews about it, but I want to ask a bit about depth and replayability....

Also, good that you are going to play stuff with Lazy Friends! Whooohooo

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So, question. Has anybody played Battlelore or another Command & Colours game? Kinda thinking of getting Battlelore 2nd Edition...

Seen it before, but never seen it played. 

Related note: Benshin and I finally got our lazy friends to come around and do Battletech box draft with the starter set. Benshin was incredibly catty about the whole thing in Facebook chat ;)

#meow ;)

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While playing the game you keep track of things like ammunition, how hot the engine is getting, how much armor you have, and how much damage is there to internal components. Per mech. When an Atlas can clock in at somewhere around 360 points of armor, it's a lot to keep track of. Games of four mechs a side can take a while. At that point, you're already kinda committed to a game that's more RPG than modern miniatures game, so adding a character sheet and making custom pilots instead of the simple Gunnery/Piloting stats the game uses normally doesn't seem to add too much extra complication in my book.

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It honestly doesn't sound anymore complicated than any other tabletop game. I've yet to read the book or even gloss over the material, and I know it'll be fun.

Problem our particular group has is getting them to actually commit to a day so we can get together.  Considering we all invested in the game (back in I want to say May), and only schedule bigger group meet ups once a month, it's disheartening when people say they want to play but then back out at 2-3 days prior to when we're supposed to meet.

Petty details aside as to why this keeps happening, CJ and I aren't any pleased about it at all.

Edited by Rurouni Benshin
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Story time! Sadly skipped a few days. But forcing myself will be worse. Hope you like it so far.

“I suppose I have to thank you.” Thamas said to Selva after the dinner.

“For what?” Selva narrowed here eyes.


“Well, for removing my greatest business rival, of course.” Thamas raised his glass in approval.

“I was planning on getting him assassinated myself, but it seemed you did spare me the expense.”


“Now, now, sir Thamas.” Lady Alvata interjected before Selva could answer “You surely have heard it was an accident.”


“An accident?” Thamas looked suprised.


“The match was fixed” Selva growled through her teeth.


“Indeed. The match wasn’t supposed to happen. In addition, we have a witness that the poisoned weapon was swapped. It was a carefully arranged murder.“


Thamas looked skeptical, then shrugged.


“Alright, an accident it was.” Thamas winked. “Let’s not dwell too much on it for long. We have more important business to discuss, I reckon.”


“Indeed we have” lady Alvata said, satisfied that the subject was closed “In fact, with Emmara on her way to become the Vice-Chancellor, we have completed a crucial step.”


“Still, we have to be careful.” Thamas said. “Until she takes the office, we need to count that our plans can go awry.”


“Indeed” Selva agreed “It is better to spread risks.”


“I do have something on hand, lady Selva. However, it doesn’t involve you two.”


“Then what, lady Alvata, does include me?” Selva asked sharply.


“To put it bluntly, we want your combat talents.” Thamas answered quickly. “We are in need for some physical force.”


‘I am not going to murder for you.”


“Murder? Of course not!” Thamas looked shocked “I have other specialists for that. No, we are in need for somebody to boost our public image, as well impress the masses in the arena. You certainly underestimate your influence there. This coupled with the image of a falsely accused victim will greatly skyrocket them.”


“But what about the death of Amesco?”Selva asked with barely constrained fury. She hoped to keep her emotions in check, but there was something about Thamas’ carelessness about Amesco that made her furious. “What would the public think about that?”


“Whatever we want them to think.”  Thamas shrugged “The truth is something easily malleable.”


“Sir Thamas is right, you shouldn’t focus too much on those details, lady Selva. We have them under control.” lady Alvata leaned a bit more forward. “Now, let me explain a few other details…”

---- ------ ----


Among the various love letters and other inconsequential Academy correspondence Thrask found well-detailed dealings and contracts to the well known smuggler Thamas, signed by Emmara. On some of them, the ink hasn’t had the time to dry yet.


---- ------ ----


Grimwald was back in his tunnels after his talk with Edgardo. He smirked as the thought back to how easy it was to put his gears in motion. He has already planned to discredit Emmara, getting payment from Edgardo was just a bonus. Still, he needed to be careful in this stage. Better to tie up those loose ends.


“Mhaine.” Grimwald called his associate. “A small change of plans, I need you in action now.”

Mhaine waited.


“Yes, the original plan hasn’t changed, Mhaine.”


Mhaine waited.


“Yes, all of them.”


Mhaine waited.


“I leave that to you, Mhaine. You are far more skilled at bloody work than me.”


Mhaine smirked.


“I get it, I get it. “ Grimwald sighed “Now, on with it.”


The goblin bowed before he melded into the shadows.

---- ------ ----


Furiously, the Arch-chancellor listened in silence as Thrask presented more and more of his evidence. How could such a thing happen in his Academy. If this would get out, it would be a disaster. His thoughts were racing on how this could be handled the most discreet way. Eventually, he came to a conclusion, and dismissed Thrask with a nod of his head.


“Thank you Thrask, for your concentrated efforts to bring this matter to my attention. I will make short work of it.”

“Archchancellor” Thrask hesitated “There is actually one more thing you need to hear..”

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Oh, I don't want to discourage you guys from it at all. The game is a lot of fun, and I hope you all enjoy it. :) I just know for me I enjoyed the setting more than the game, lol. I remember hearing rumors about a new video game at some point, might need to investigate and find out if that's just the brain inventing crap... >.>

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Well I have been in the pub for about 3 hours now and no one form work has rang so can only assume that the network is still down, as an additional upside had a look at the Karaoke List and Danger Zone is on it....... 2 hours until Karaoke starts.... 2 hours

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Well for some Deluge!!

I'm slowly going mental as Sales tell me that GEA and EoFTTC are the same. i have to concede that they are both forms of Internets.

Also I cut my finger with a scalpel last night (I superglued it shut) but it's been annoying me all day while using the mouse...

*only 1 more hour*

PS: Give me some love in the Outcast strategy section people!!

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Well for some Deluge!!

I'm slowly going mental as Sales tell me that GEA and EoFTTC are the same. i have to concede that they are both forms of Internets.

Also I cut my finger with a scalpel last night (I superglued it shut) but it's been annoying me all day while using the mouse...

*only 1 more hour*

PS: Give me some love in the Outcast strategy section people!!

Modeling injuries are the worst. How can such a small cut cause so much discomfort....45 minutes and KLoggs Karaoke is on

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