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Ugh. I feel like shit today. :(

Oh no. How come? Something specific?

Lack of sleep, and feeling down in general. Nothing specific yet.

So, do something fun! Right now. Watch an episode of QI!

Or do something that needs doing: Get a podcast on, and do the dishes!

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Ugh. I feel like shit today. :(

Oh no. How come? Something specific?

Lack of sleep, and feeling down in general. Nothing specific yet.

So, do something fun! Right now. Watch an episode of QI!

Or do something that needs doing: Get a podcast on, and do the dishes!

QI fixes many things, or the Last Leg

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Today is going alright. Going to have way too much freaking paperwork to do at the end of the day, lol. Lots of different kinds of jobs, one more type before the end of the day. Going to be heading to a coffee shop when I'm done, spend about an hour hacking away at writing. Managed to get about 400 words done in adding bits to my setting assignment on breaks, do believe that's all done now at about 2200 words putting together a setting through the eyes of a character.


Anything we can do to help, PD?


Also, QI is epic, lol.

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The writing assignment I just did is in the same setting. It's a pretty narrowed field of interest, being an assignment on setting, but I can post it here in spoiler tags once I get to the coffee shop if people are interested. And I can PM you the same first bits I sent Dirial if you want, PD.

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The writing assignment I just did is in the same setting. It's a pretty narrowed field of interest, being an assignment on setting, but I can post it here in spoiler tags once I get to the coffee shop if people are interested. And I can PM you the same first bits I sent Dirial if you want, PD.

Please do!

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